A Grain of Wheat


Ngugi wa Thiong’o

A Grain of Wheat Characters


Mugo is the primary protagonist and a villager of Thabai. Mugo’s parents die when he is young, leaving him destitute in the care of an alcoholic aunt who abuses and demeans him throughout his childhood… read analysis of Mugo


Kihika is the brother of Mumbi and Kariuki and the son of Mbugua and Wanjiku. Though already dead in the book’s present storyline, Kihika is the great hero of the Gikuyu and a leader… read analysis of Kihika


Gikonyo is Mumbi’s husband and Wangari’s only son. Gikonyo spends his early years as a poor carpenter supporting himself and his mother, who were abandoned by his father. Although he is shy, Gikonyo… read analysis of Gikonyo


Karanja is the story’s primary antagonist, though not in a strictly villainous role. Karanja is a villager of Thabai and works for John Thompson in Githima. In his youth, Karanja is friends with Gikonyo and… read analysis of Karanja


Mumbi is Gikonyo’s wife, Wanjiku and Mbugua’s daughter, and Kihika and Kariuki’s sister. Mumbi is a villager of Thabai and the single main character to remain in the village while everyone else… read analysis of Mumbi
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John Thompson

John is a British administrator and Margery’s husband, as well as Karanja’s employer in the present timeline of the story. John primarily exists for the author to explore arguments in favor of British… read analysis of John Thompson

Margery Thompson

Margery is John’s wife. Although, as a woman, Margery possesses less social power, she finds ways to exert power and agency within her own life, particular to her gender. When Karanja visits, Margery utilizes… read analysis of Margery Thompson


Warui is a notable village elder who tries to convince Mugo to lead the Uhuru celebration and become a Chief in the village. Warui is an old man and has been involved in the Movement… read analysis of Warui


Wambui is a notable village elder who also tries to convince Mugo to lead. Wambui is good friends with Warui and has also participated in the fight for freedom for her entire life. As a… read analysis of Wambui


Wangari is Gikonyo’s mother. After being abandoned by her husband and left to die, Wangari proves her resilience by taking young Gikonyo and scratching out enough of a living to survive until he is… read analysis of Wangari


Wambuku is Kihika’s lover. Although Wambuku believes she will be able to convince Kihika to give up his revolutionary leanings—which she sees as a rival to herself—Kihika leaves her to go fight in the… read analysis of Wambuku


Njeri, like Wambuku, is a young woman in love with Kihika, though he never returns her affections. However, Njeri is strong in contrast to Wambuku’s weakness. Although Njeri is small, she is a… read analysis of Njeri


Mbugua is Kihika, Kariuki, and Mumbi’s father and Wanjiku’s husband. Mbugua does not play a large role in the story, though he is described as saddened by Kihika’s decision to go… read analysis of Mbugua

DO Thomas Robson

DO Robson is a British District Officer who rules over Thabai until Kihika assassinates him. Although he is briefly depicted as Tom the Terror, a terrifying and cruel oppressor and hunter of Freedom Fighters, his… read analysis of DO Thomas Robson

Harry Thuku

Harry Thuku is an early revolutionary leader in the initial days of the Movement, serving as a precursor to Kihika and using the same biblical imagery to fuel his calls for liberation. However, Harry Thuku… read analysis of Harry Thuku

General R.

General R. is a Freedom Fighter and former comrade of Kihika who emerges from the forest with Lt. Koina to discover who betrayed their great leader. General R. plays a minor role in the story… read analysis of General R.

Lt. Koina

Lt. Koina is General R.’s friend, a fellow Freedom Fighter and comrade of Kihika. Lt. Koina joins General R. in searching for Kihika’s betrayer, believing that it must be Karanja after running surveillance… read analysis of Lt. Koina


Githua is a one-legged cripple, the village beggar. Although Githua tells a story about how he lost his leg as a Freedom Fighter, General R. discovers that Githua is lying, having lost his leg in… read analysis of Githua

Dr. Lynd

Dr. Lynd is a British researcher and an old spinster who loves bull-mastiffs and hates black people after they break into her house and murder her first dog. Lt. Koina briefly works for her as… read analysis of Dr. Lynd


Gatu is a Kenyan detainee imprisoned in the same camp as Gikonyo. Gatu keeps up the spirits of his fellow prisoners by telling fake stories about Abraham Lincoln fighting the British, which, though obviously… read analysis of Gatu

Rev. Jackson Kigondu

Rev. Jackson is a Gikuyu preacher who models the role of Christianity on both sides of the independence conflict. Although Rev. Jackson initially incorporates the ideas of Christianity into traditional Gikuyu beliefs, thus maintaining his… read analysis of Rev. Jackson Kigondu

The Old Woman

The old woman is Gitogo’s mother, a strange hermit who lives alone. Mugo feels an odd sense of connection to the old woman, since she often stares at him and makes him feel as… read analysis of The Old Woman
Minor Characters
Wanjiku is Kihika, Kariuki, and Mumbi’s mother and Mbugua’s wife. Wanjiku is mentioned several times but plays little role and given no real characterization.
Dr. Henry Van Dyke
Dr. Van Dyke is a drunken researcher who works at the Githima station. He has an affair with Margery until he drives his car into the train and kills himself, potentially as a protest of Kenyans retaking control of the government.
Mwaura is Lt. Koina’s associate who works with and spies on Karanja at the Githima station.
Jomo Kenyatta / “The Burning Spear”
Jomo Kenyatta is the political figurehead of the Uhuru movement, though he is imprisoned by the British for most of the years in which the story takes place.
Gitogo is the son of the old woman, a deaf and dumb man who is killed when he is shot in the back by a British soldier because he cannot hear the man’s order to stop running.
Kariuki is Kihika and Mumbi’s brother. Since he leaves Thabai to study in college, he is absent for much of the story and plays little role.