As You Like It


William Shakespeare

As You Like It: Act 2, Scene 4 Quiz 4 questions

Read our modern English translation.
Test your knowledge of Act 2, Scene 4. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What does Touchstone's comment about feeling more foolish in Arden than at court suggest?
1 of 4
That unfamiliar surroundings can be disconcerting
That he regrets coming to Arden
That he prefers the simplicity of forest life over court life
None of the above
How does Silvius's view of love compare to Celia's advice to Rosalind earlier in the play?
2 of 4
Both Silvius and Celia view love as a serious matter that should overwhelm a person
Silvius advocates for remembering every act of love, contrasting with Celia's advice to forget such follies
Silvius believes love is overwhelming, while Celia suggests treating it as a game
Silvius and Celia both consider love to be a game that shouldn't be taken seriously
What is Touchstone's reaction to overhearing Silvius's speech about love?
3 of 4
He is amused and mocks Silvius for his naivety
He fondly remembers his own former lover
He disagrees with Silvius and argues that love is not foolish
He advises Silvius to forget about love and move on
What does the purchase of the cottage and pasture signify for Rosalind and Celia?
4 of 4
Their desire to return to the court soon
Their desire to meet more shepherds
Their plan to start a sheep farming business
Their commitment to living a pastoral life