Bleak House

Bleak House


Charles Dickens

Mr. Turveydrop Character Analysis

Mr. Turveydrop is the father of Prince Turveydrop and the father-in-law of Caddy Jellyby. A well-dressed and poised man, Mr. Turveydrop is the owner of a prestigious dance studio and is well known in fashionable and aristocratic circles, despite the fact that he is not of noble birth himself. He allows his son to work tirelessly in the dance studio but takes much of the money and most of the acclaim that goes along with this school. He takes on a selected group of student apprentices but then uses them as servants to run errands and do chores in the house. It is rumored that Prince’s mother, who died young, was completely besotted with her husband and worked herself to death in the dance school to pay for his lifestyle. Mr. Turveydrop is extremely careless about other people’s well-being and seems to only think about himself and his own comfort. He is emotionally manipulative and pressures Caddy and Prince into working for him and makes them feel guilty if they take any time off.
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Mr. Turveydrop Character Timeline in Bleak House

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Turveydrop appears in Bleak House. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 14
Social Mobility, Class, and Lineage Theme Icon
Passion, Obsession, and Madness Theme Icon
Caddy is engaged to her dancing master, Prince Turveydrop, whose father, Mr. Turveydrop , is a very noble man. They have often met in secret at Miss Flite’s... (full context)
Social Mobility, Class, and Lineage Theme Icon
Identity and Appearance Theme Icon
...a lesson is about to begin. Caddy hurriedly introduces them to Prince before his father, Mr. Turveydrop , enters the room. His father is lavishly dressed, extremely genteel, and a “model of... (full context)
Social Mobility, Class, and Lineage Theme Icon
Identity and Appearance Theme Icon
...begins the dance lesson, a woman who has brought in two pupils tells Esther that Mr. Turveydrop takes all the credit for his son’s work and that he worked his young wife,... (full context)
Social Mobility, Class, and Lineage Theme Icon
Identity and Appearance Theme Icon
During the lesson, Mr. Turveydrop approaches Esther and begins to charm her with his elegant conversation. He complains to her... (full context)
Social Mobility, Class, and Lineage Theme Icon
Identity and Appearance Theme Icon
The lesson ends and Mr. Turveydrop reminds Prince that he has another lesson elsewhere that he must hurry to attend. Prince... (full context)
Chapter 23
Social Mobility, Class, and Lineage Theme Icon
Law vs. Justice Theme Icon
Passion, Obsession, and Madness Theme Icon
...father of their engagement and hopes that Esther will be present when they do because Mr. Turveydrop has such a high opinion of her. (full context)
Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Kindness Theme Icon
Identity and Appearance Theme Icon
They find Mr. Turveydrop in his rooms, and Caddy and Prince kneel before him while Esther watches. When Prince... (full context)
Chapter 30
Social Mobility, Class, and Lineage Theme Icon
Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Kindness Theme Icon
...and to be her bridesmaids. Mr. Jellyby has recovered from bankruptcy and become friends with Mr. Turveydrop . Caddy and Prince have now agreed to live with Mr. Turveydrop when they are... (full context)
Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Kindness Theme Icon
Identity and Appearance Theme Icon
...The couple will spend a week away on their honeymoon. Before they leave, they comfort Mr. Turveydrop and tell him he will not have to be without them long. He advises them... (full context)
Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Kindness Theme Icon
Esther is shocked by the blasé attitude of Mr. Turveydrop and Mrs. Jellyby but is even more surprised when Mr. Jellyby suddenly seizes her and... (full context)
Chapter 38
Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Kindness Theme Icon
Identity and Appearance Theme Icon
...Caddy tells Esther that she and her new husband have been extremely busy, but that Mr. Turveydrop is very kind to them. While at his house, Esther observes that he has several... (full context)
Passion, Obsession, and Madness Theme Icon
Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Kindness Theme Icon
Identity and Appearance Theme Icon
...and Caddy and Esther get ready to go into town. Caddy tells Esther how kind Mr. Turveydrop is to Mr. Jellyby and that the two are great friends. Mr. Turveydrop also extends... (full context)
Chapter 50
Passion, Obsession, and Madness Theme Icon
Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Kindness Theme Icon
Identity and Appearance Theme Icon
...visit Caddy, as does Mrs. Jellyby—although she only talks about her mission during these visits. Mr. Turveydrop is also very attentive, but Esther notices that the household is strictly arranged according to... (full context)
Chapter 67
Passion, Obsession, and Madness Theme Icon
Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Kindness Theme Icon
...hopes that women will soon be allowed in Parliament. Peepy is now the servant of Mr. Turveydrop . (full context)