Bleak House

Bleak House


Charles Dickens

Peepy is the son of Mrs. Jellyby and Mr. Jellyby and the younger brother of Caddy Jellyby. Esther Summerson meets and takes pity on Peepy when she first arrives at Mrs. Jellyby’s house and discovers that Peepy is neglected and that nobody notices when he falls down the stairs and hurts himself. Peepy grows attached to Esther throughout her visit because she is the first person, other than Caddy, to be motherly towards him. Peepy eventually becomes the servant of Mr. Turveydrop.
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Peepy Character Timeline in Bleak House

The timeline below shows where the character Peepy appears in Bleak House. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4
Passion, Obsession, and Madness Theme Icon
Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Kindness Theme Icon
...Jellyby tries to send him away. Esther finally picks up the child, whose name is Peepy, and he falls asleep in her arms. (full context)
Passion, Obsession, and Madness Theme Icon
Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Kindness Theme Icon
Mrs. Jellyby asks Caddy to show Esther and Ada to their room, and Esther carries Peepy up with her and puts him to sleep on her bed. Their rooms are in... (full context)
Chapter 5
Passion, Obsession, and Madness Theme Icon
Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Kindness Theme Icon
...suggests that the group go for a walk before Mrs. Jellyby gets up. Esther washes Peepy, who has appeared in her room very early, and puts him back to bed. Caddy,... (full context)
Chapter 14
Passion, Obsession, and Madness Theme Icon
Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Kindness Theme Icon
...short while before they leave London, Caddy comes to visit Ada and Esther and brings Peepy with her. She tells them that Mrs. Jellyby is as chaotic as ever and that... (full context)
Chapter 38
Passion, Obsession, and Madness Theme Icon
Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Kindness Theme Icon
Identity and Appearance Theme Icon
...Jellyby and that the two are great friends. Mr. Turveydrop also extends his kindness to Peepy and allows the boy to run errands for him. (full context)
Chapter 50
Passion, Obsession, and Madness Theme Icon
Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Kindness Theme Icon
Identity and Appearance Theme Icon
...and that the utmost care is taken not to inconvenience the old man at all. Peepy has become his attendant and accompanies him around the city. Esther sees Mr. Woodcourt often... (full context)
Chapter 67
Passion, Obsession, and Madness Theme Icon
Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Kindness Theme Icon
...taken on a new mission and hopes that women will soon be allowed in Parliament. Peepy is now the servant of Mr. Turveydrop. (full context)