


George Eliot

Mr. Camden Farebrother Character Analysis

Mr. Farebrother is a local vicar and bachelor. He is kind, always trying to help those around him. He is not a very strict or “spiritual” clergyman, but nonetheless embodies Christian values of love, generosity, and acceptance. He develops a romantic interest in Mary Garth but steps aside when he realizes Fred and Mary want to be together. After Casaubon’s death he takes over his post as clergyman at Lowick.
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Mr. Camden Farebrother Character Timeline in Middlemarch

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Camden Farebrother appears in Middlemarch. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 2, Chapter 13
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Bulstrode explains that the old infirmary lies in the parish of Mr. Farebrother, but that he wants someone named Mr. Tyke to be appointed chaplain of the New... (full context)
Book 2, Chapter 16
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...that he does not want Mr. Tyke to be appointed chaplain. Vincy much prefers Mr. Farebrother and would happily see him receive the chaplain’s salary at the hospital. Still, Vincy admits... (full context)
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Mr. Farebrother arrives, and his presence brings further warmth to the atmosphere of the party. After she... (full context)
Book 2, Chapter 17
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The next day Lydgate goes to see Farebrother in the old parsonage where he lives. The vicar’s mother Mrs. Farebrother is also there,... (full context)
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Mrs. Farebrother replies that in her youth, everyone had the same sense of true and false, right... (full context)
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Lydgate mentions that he doesn’t really have any hobbies outside of medicine, and Farebrother comments that this is lucky. Farebrother smokes a pipe and Lydgate wonders if the vicar... (full context)
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Farebrother comments that it is wonderful that Lydgate has a career he is so passionate about,... (full context)
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Farebrother says that he himself is not a fan of Bulstrode’s crowd, who he thinks are... (full context)
Book 2, Chapter 18
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...should logically vote for Tyke to please Bulstrode. However, he has developed an affection for Farebrother, who he now believes is an upstanding person. Farebrother is such a beloved preacher that... (full context)
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Lydgate is torn. He feels he should probably just vote for Farebrother; at the same time, the only bad thing he has ever heard about Tyke is... (full context)
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A lawyer named Mr. Hawley argues that Farebrother has been performing the role of hospital chaplain for free, and thus if it is... (full context)
Book 3, Chapter 31
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...on and interfering with her other marriage prospects, which infuriates him. The next day when Farebrother invites Lydgate to dinner at the Vincys’, Lydgate refuses, saying he has too much work... (full context)
Book 4, Chapter 36
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...and preferably sooner. This messes up Lydgate’s plan, but he decides he must accept it. Farebrother assures Lydgate that being married will probably help his career rather than hinder it. (full context)
Book 4, Chapter 40
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That evening, Mr. Farebrother comes to the Garths’ house, announcing that he is there to deliver a message from... (full context)
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Farebrother congratulates Mr. Garth. They discuss Fred and whether he should indeed enter the clergy, or... (full context)
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...done differently, but that Mary still feels guilty, blaming herself for Fred’s misfortune. They swear Farebrother to secrecy; he says goodbye and leaves. On his way out, Farebrother sees Mary outside... (full context)
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Farebrother leaves and walks to Lowick, speculating that Fred and Mary have feelings for each other.... (full context)
Book 5, Chapter 45
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...the best doctor in the area. All of this happens before Lydgate cures Fred’s fever. Farebrother is a vocal defender of Lydgate but, paradoxically, is also known as “a chief flag... (full context)
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...his supposed showiness and “arrogance.” Both he and Bulstrode are accused of being “charlatans.” Meanwhile, Farebrother advises Lydgate to be careful about money.   (full context)
Book 5, Chapter 46
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...in Middlemarch who like him tend to be those in favor of Reform, such as Farebrother and his female relatives. Yet Ladislaw spends most of his time at the Lydgates’, where... (full context)
Book 5, Chapter 50
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...if it will be possible to do this now. She speaks with Lydgate, who recommends Farebrother instead of Tyke as Casaubon’s successor. Dorothea says she’d be happy to hear Farebrother preach... (full context)
Book 5, Chapter 52
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In June, Farebrother and his relatives celebrate the news that he will be taking over Casaubon’s post. Miss... (full context)
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...will only know what to do once he knows Mary’s current opinion. The next day Farebrother goes to see Mary and asks her what she thinks Fred should do. However, before... (full context)
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Farebrother says he thinks he will be able to relieve Mary’s guilt, and then explains to... (full context)
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...Fred has done something “serious,” she will not consider him as a suitor. However, after Farebrother asks about Mary considering someone else (with the possible implication that he means himself), Mary... (full context)
Book 5, Chapter 53
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Bulstrode was annoyed on learning that Farebrother had been given the appointment at Lowick. He bought Stone Court from Joshua Rigg “as... (full context)
Book 6, Chapter 56
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...brings up Mary, saying he would “do anything for her.” He explains that he got Farebrother to speak with her, which is how he knows her feelings about his entering the... (full context)
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...for Mary to marry Fred when she could have gotten someone better, such as Mr. Farebrother, who she believes was ready to propose. Caleb points out that when Mrs. Garth married... (full context)
Book 6, Chapter 57
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...it was wrong and thoughtless of him to convey his message to Mary via Mr. Farebrother. When Fred finally realizes that she is implying Mr. Farebrother loves Mary, he is shocked.... (full context)
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Once Fred gets to Lowick Parsonage, he, Mary, Mrs. Farebrother, Miss Winifred, and Miss Noble discuss clergymen. Mary admits that she doesn’t like clergymen as... (full context)
Book 6, Chapter 59
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Fred hears from Farebrother’s female relatives about the stipulation in Casaubon’s will forbidding Dorothea from marrying Will. Fred has... (full context)
Book 7, Chapter 63
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At Mr. Toller’s Christmas dinner party, he and Farebrother discuss Lydgate, who is very busy at the New Hospital these days, preparing a new... (full context)
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On New Year’s Day Farebrother goes to a party at the Vincys’. All the Vincy children are there, along with... (full context)
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Farerbrother approaches Lydgate and says he heard from Mr. Brooke that Lydgate was responsible for persuading... (full context)
Book 7, Chapter 66
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...order to prevent his downfall from continuing, but at that moment he is told that Farebrother is downstairs and wants to speak with him. Before going, Fred urges Lydgate to stop... (full context)
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Farebrother says that he was disappointed to hear that Fred has been going to the Green... (full context)
Book 7, Chapter 70
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...Raffles’s burial, but apart from that they do not speak about him. Later, Lydgate tells Farebrother that he has received a loan from Bulstrode and will be able to repay his... (full context)
Book 7, Chapter 71
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...that the £1000 Bulstrode gave him was a bribe. After the meeting, Mr. Brooke and Farebrother go to see Dorothea and tell her the shocking news about Lydgate and the New... (full context)
Book 8, Chapter 72
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Farebrother tells Dorothea not to approach Lydgate herself, as this will insult his pride. Dorothea remains... (full context)
Book 8, Chapter 80
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Dorothea sees Farebrother in the morning and promises to have dinner with him that evening. She stops by... (full context)
Book 8, Chapter 81
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Dorothea tells Rosamond that Mr. Farebrother, Mr. Brooke, and Sir James all know and believe the truth about Lydgate’s involvement in... (full context)
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...of Mary. Mary publishes a children’s book, for which people give Fred credit. Thanks to Farebrother’s mentorship, Fred becomes a mature, serious, and respectable man.  (full context)