


James Joyce

The nationalistic but level-headed Dubliner John Wyse Nolan appears briefly in “Wandering Rocks” and more extensively in “Cyclops.” While he agrees with many of the citizen’s beliefs about Ireland, British imperialism, and Jewish people, he is also relatively sympathetic to Leopold Bloom (until Lenehan brings up the rumor that he won money in the Ascot Gold Cup).

John Wyse Nolan Quotes in Ulysses

The Ulysses quotes below are all either spoken by John Wyse Nolan or refer to John Wyse Nolan. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Episode 12: Cyclops Quotes

—I’m talking about injustice, says Bloom.
—Right, says John Wyse. Stand up to it then with force like men.
—But it’s no use, says he. Force, hatred, history, all that. That’s not life for men and women, insult and hatred. And everybody knows that it’s the very opposite of that that is really life.
—What? says Alf.
—Love, says Bloom. I mean the opposite of hatred.

Related Characters: Leopold Bloom (speaker), Alf Bergan (speaker), John Wyse Nolan (speaker), The Citizen, The Narrator of Episode 12
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John Wyse Nolan Quotes in Ulysses

The Ulysses quotes below are all either spoken by John Wyse Nolan or refer to John Wyse Nolan. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Episode 12: Cyclops Quotes

—I’m talking about injustice, says Bloom.
—Right, says John Wyse. Stand up to it then with force like men.
—But it’s no use, says he. Force, hatred, history, all that. That’s not life for men and women, insult and hatred. And everybody knows that it’s the very opposite of that that is really life.
—What? says Alf.
—Love, says Bloom. I mean the opposite of hatred.

Related Characters: Leopold Bloom (speaker), Alf Bergan (speaker), John Wyse Nolan (speaker), The Citizen, The Narrator of Episode 12
Page Number: 273
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