Walk Two Moons


Sharon Creech

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Walk Two Moons: Chapter 34 Summary & Analysis

Sal believes this next day is the best and worst of Gram and Gramps’s lives. Momma’s birthday is tomorrow, and there’s a lot of driving left to do. Gram didn’t sleep all night, but she’s excited to see Old Faithful. Gramps drives them there, and at first, Gram is disappointed—especially because there’s a rope fence around a mound.
The tension rises as Sal notes that this day is going to be the best and worst of Gram and Gramps’s life—something bad is going to happen. Old Faithful is a site that’s sacred to many Native American tribes, so even though Sal isn’t as excited as Gram, she can still connect with her heritage here.
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A park ranger tells Gram to stay on the right side of the rope. Old Faithful is due to erupt in 15 minutes, so Sal watches people gather. Gram gets more and more excited until a bit of water spits out of the hole. Then Old Faithful hisses and shoots water far up in the air. Gram is entranced and stands in the spray, shouting. Gramps is watching Gram. Gram is sniff ling when they get back in the car; she insists she’s just happy she got to see Old Faithful.
Gram is still very capable of getting into trouble—she’s presumably trying to get closer to the geyser when the ranger tells her to stay put. Old Faithful, Sal and Gram discover, is a breathtaking sight. Gramps, though, loves his wife so much that the real attraction is watching Gram enjoy the spectacle.
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