Walk Two Moons


Sharon Creech

Prudence Winterbottom Character Analysis

Prudence is Phoebe’s older sister. She’s 17 and looks a lot like Mrs. Winterbottom, with a round face and blond ringlets. Like Phoebe, Prudence is totally blind to the fact that her mother is going through a difficult time emotionally. Prudence brushes off Mrs. Winterbottom’s attempts to start meaningful conversations about her life and seems to appreciate her mother only for her cooking and sewing skills. Prudence also doesn’t seem to take it as hard as Phoebe does when Mrs. Winterbottom goes missing, though she seems genuinely excited when her mother returns.

Prudence Winterbottom Quotes in Walk Two Moons

The Walk Two Moons quotes below are all either spoken by Prudence Winterbottom or refer to Prudence Winterbottom. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Judgment, Perspective, and Storytelling Theme Icon
Chapter 11 Quotes

Ben touched Phoebe’s arm. She flinched. “Ha,” he said. “Gotcha. You’re jumpy, too, Free Bee.”

And that, too, bothered me. I had already noticed how tense Phoebe’s whole family seemed, how tidy, how respectable, how thumpingly stiff. Was I becoming like that? Why were they like that? A couple times I had seen Phoebe’s mother try to touch Phoebe or Prudence or Mr. Winterbottom, but they all drew back from her. It was as if they had outgrown her.

Had I been drawing away from my own mother? Did she have empty spaces left over? Was that why she left?

Related Characters: Salamanca “Sal” Tree Hiddle (speaker), Momma/Chanhassen “Sugar” Hiddle, Phoebe Winterbottom, Ben Finney, Mrs. Winterbottom, Mr. Winterbottom, Prudence Winterbottom
Page Number: 62
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 17 Quotes

What I started doing was remembering the day before my mother left. I did not know it was to be her last day home. Several times that day, my mother asked me if I wanted to walk up in the fields with her. It was drizzling outside, and I was cleaning my desk, and I just did not feel like going. “Maybe later,” I kept saying. When she asked me for about the tenth time, I said, “No! I don’t want to go. Why do you keep asking me?” I don’t know why I did that. I didn’t mean anything by it, but that was one of the last memories she had of me, and I wished I could take it back.

Related Characters: Salamanca “Sal” Tree Hiddle (speaker), Momma/Chanhassen “Sugar” Hiddle, Phoebe Winterbottom, Mrs. Winterbottom, Prudence Winterbottom
Page Number: 97
Explanation and Analysis:
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Prudence Winterbottom Character Timeline in Walk Two Moons

The timeline below shows where the character Prudence Winterbottom appears in Walk Two Moons. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4
Judgment, Perspective, and Storytelling Theme Icon
Parents, Children, and Growing Up Theme Icon
...into a story about a time when she, Mrs. Winterbottom, Mr. Winterbottom, and Phoebe’s sister, Prudence, went to a state fair. There was a man there guessing people’s ages by looking... (full context)
Chapter 6
Judgment, Perspective, and Storytelling Theme Icon
Parents, Children, and Growing Up Theme Icon
...Mrs. Winterbottom when the woman suggests she’ll go back to work, now that Phoebe and Prudence are back in school. But again, no one comments on her suggestion, and she sighs.... (full context)
Chapter 11
Judgment, Perspective, and Storytelling Theme Icon
Parents, Children, and Growing Up Theme Icon
Grief Theme Icon
...Sal too. Phoebe’s family seems so stiff—is Sal becoming like them? She’s watched Phoebe and Prudence shrink away from Mrs. Winterbottom’s attempts to touch them, and she wonders if she withdrew... (full context)
Chapter 14
Parents, Children, and Growing Up Theme Icon
Grief Theme Icon
When Sal and Phoebe come back downstairs, Mrs. Winterbottom is asking Prudence if she thinks she (Mrs. Winterbottom) “lead[s] a tiny life.” Prudence isn’t interested; she asks... (full context)
Chapter 17
Judgment, Perspective, and Storytelling Theme Icon
Just then, Prudence flies through the front door, wailing that she botched her cheerleading tryout. As Mrs. Winterbottom... (full context)
Judgment, Perspective, and Storytelling Theme Icon
Prudence screeches that Mrs. Winterbottom can’t come watch as Phoebe comes back into the kitchen with... (full context)
Chapter 20
Judgment, Perspective, and Storytelling Theme Icon
Parents, Children, and Growing Up Theme Icon
...invites Sal in. There’s a pie and three notes on the table, one each for Prudence, Phoebe, and Mr. Winterbottom. Phoebe’s note reads that she should keep the doors locked and... (full context)
Parents, Children, and Growing Up Theme Icon
Grief Theme Icon
Prudence and Phoebe pepper Mr. Winterbottom with questions. Phoebe wants to call the police, since the... (full context)
Chapter 22
Parents, Children, and Growing Up Theme Icon
Grief Theme Icon
Prudence races around the house getting ready, while Phoebe slowly dresses in wrinkled clothes. Downstairs, she... (full context)
Parents, Children, and Growing Up Theme Icon
Grief Theme Icon
...the house for bloodstains and hair. She collects hairs and marks suspicious spots with tape. Prudence gets home a bit later, thrilled that she made the cheerleading squad. Phoebe reminds Prudence... (full context)
Chapter 29
Judgment, Perspective, and Storytelling Theme Icon
Grief Theme Icon
...to Mrs. Cadaver. When he returns, he relays that Mrs. Winterbottom asked after Phoebe and Prudence, and that Mrs. Cadaver told her they were fine. Phoebe says she’s not fine, and... (full context)
Chapter 38
Parents, Children, and Growing Up Theme Icon
...disgusting; after seeing that, she doesn’t need her mother anymore. When they get home, and Prudence shouts that Mrs. Winterbottom called and is coming home, Phoebe is unenthusiastic. (full context)
Judgment, Perspective, and Storytelling Theme Icon
Parents, Children, and Growing Up Theme Icon
Prudence tells Phoebe and Mr. Winterbottom that Mrs. Winterbottom didn’t say much, but she did ask... (full context)
Chapter 39
Parents, Children, and Growing Up Theme Icon
Grief Theme Icon
...and she hasn’t told Mr. Winterbottom what she saw. Phoebe says that Mr. Winterbottom and Prudence have been cleaning the house since last night—and this morning, her father decided to mess... (full context)
Judgment, Perspective, and Storytelling Theme Icon
Parents, Children, and Growing Up Theme Icon
Sal finds Mr. Winterbottom, Phoebe, and Prudence sitting around, doing nothing. Mr. Winterbottom is a nervous wreck; he jumps up and sits... (full context)