Walk Two Moons


Sharon Creech

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Walk Two Moons makes teaching easy.

The Fireplace

The fireplace in the Hiddles’ Kentucky farmhouse symbolizes the hidden nature of people’s true thoughts, feelings, and motivations, as well as the idea that different people’s stories are often intertwined with one another. After Momma

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Blackberries symbolize Sal’s changing relationship to Momma’s memory as she processes Momma’s death. As Sal tells stories of life before Momma left for Lewiston and died in an accident, she explains how much…

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The Singing Tree

The singing tree symbolizes Momma. When Sal was little, she regularly heard a bird singing in a tree near the barn. Sal could never locate the bird in the tree, which made it seem…

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In the novel, various characters’ hairstyles are associated with their identities, as well as the degree to which they feel happy and free in those identities. One of Sal’s defining features is her long…

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