A Bend in the River


V. S. Naipaul

Citoyen/Citoyenne Term Analysis

Citoyen or citoyenne are francophone words meaning “citizen,” but also can be translated to “freeman” or “freewoman.”
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Citoyen/Citoyenne Term Timeline in A Bend in the River

The timeline below shows where the term Citoyen/Citoyenne appears in A Bend in the River. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 10 
...more women with positions of power. When they refer to one another, it is as “citoyen” and “citoyenne,” as the President has outlawed the use of monsieur, madame, and boy. Salim... (full context)
Chapter 13 
Power, Freedom, and Identity Theme Icon
Racism and Diasporic Identity Theme Icon
Postcolonialism and Perpetual Unrest Theme Icon
The City vs. the Bush Theme Icon
Layers of the Past Theme Icon
...to one of the President’s speeches on the radio. Other than the constant intonations of citoyens and citoyennes, the President no longer gives his speeches in French, opting instead for a... (full context)