Poetry Guides
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    • An Introduction
      by Kamala Das
      In "An Introduction," the groundbreaking Indian poet Kamala Das does precisely what the poem's title says she will: she introduces herself, boldly proclaiming who she is. As she observes, her complex,
    • A Jet Ring Sent
      by John Donne
      "A Jet Ring Sent" is John Donne's witty lament over an ill-fated love. The poem's speaker addresses the jet ring of the title—a present he sent to his beloved, but one that she has now returned to him
    • Honour Killing
      by Imtiaz Dharker
      Imtiaz Dharker wrote "Honour Killing" in response to the 1999 murder of Samia Imran, a Pakistani woman whose parents killed her to prevent her from divorcing her abusive husband. In this poem, a Pakis
    • Constancy to an Ideal Object
      by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
      "Constancy to an Ideal Object" is Samuel Taylor Coleridge's examination of the illusions and pains of impossible love. The poem's speaker, in love with a lady he can never be with, finds himself locke
    • Nothing New
      by Robert Frost
      The major American poet Robert Frost inscribed "Nothing New" on the flyleaf of a book he gave to a friend—but never published it. Composed in 1918, the poem was recently rediscovered; it was published
    • Dockery and Son
      by Philip Larkin
      In "Dockery and Son," Philip Larkin takes a characteristically bleak look at a midlife crisis. The poem's speaker, a middle-aged Englishman, attends a memorial service for his old university friend Do
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