American Psycho


Bret Easton Ellis

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American Psycho: Business Meeting Summary & Analysis

Another day, Bateman is in his office, incredibly hung over from the previous night’s drinking and cocaine binge. He is rude to Jean when she tells him he has a meeting to attend that afternoon, and when she mentions that a few people have called looking to schedule meetings with Bateman, he growls at her to “just…say…no.” She is put off, but only slightly. Bateman takes Valium and drinks Perrier to curb his hangover.
Bateman’s drinking and drug use has a negative effect on both his work and his relationship with Jean; he’s crueler to her than usual and has even less care for his work responsibilities than he does on most days. He begins using drugs to help him cope with the effects of other drugs.
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In the boardroom, Bateman is first to arrive, followed by Luis Carruthers, “like a puppy at my heels.” Luis is going on and on about a dinner he recently had with clients, and though Bateman can barely be bothered to respond, continues speaking eagerly for quite some time. Luis invites Bateman to join him at lunch sometime soon, and Bateman accepts, picturing himself with Courtney’s legs around his neck. The other men begin to arrive, including McDermott, who brings up an old argument: the pizzas at Pastels. He’s brought with him an article clipping and asks Bateman, “Where do you think Donald Trump thinks the best pizza in Manhattan is served?” Bateman has been bested. Paul Owen arrives, dressed impeccably. Luis notices Bateman noticing this, and makes a comment about a “powerjockstrap,” which Bateman ignores. Owen mistakenly greets Bateman as Marcus Halberstam again, more men file in, and the meeting begins.
Luis once again pays extra close and special attention to Bateman, and he is nothing but annoyed by it. He has such little respect for Luis that it’s funny to imagine himself having sex with his girlfriend while making lunch plans with him. Luis’ “powerjockstrap” comment is the first explicit hint to his sexuality, which will be revealed later in the novel. McDermott just can’t let the pizza subject go, but knows this time that he’ll win the argument by playing his “Trump card” – using the words of the man Bateman admires more than any other.
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