As You Like It


William Shakespeare

As You Like It: Act 5, Scene 4 Quiz 5 questions

Read our modern English translation.
Test your knowledge of Act 5, Scene 4. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What role does Rosalind play in this scene?
1 of 5
She attempts to usurp both of the dukes
She tries to console Silvius
She intends to marry Phebe herself
She orchestrates multiple marriages
Why does Duke Senior have a fleeting suspicion about Ganymede's true identity?
2 of 5
Because Ganymede has manners reminiscent of his daughter
Because Orlando does not recognize Ganymede at all
Because Ganymede has a very feminine voice
Because Ganymede openly admits to being the Duke's daughter
How does Phebe respond when Rosalind reveals herself?
3 of 5
She begs Rosalind to elope with her
She quickly tries to steal Orlando from Rosalind
She says goodbye to her chance at love with Ganymede
She refuses to believe that Rosalind isn't Ganymede
What event leads to Duke Frederick deciding not to fight with his brother and instead restore peace?
4 of 5
He comes across a religious man who converts him to a love of peace
He is convinced by Duke Senior's arguments for peace
He loses a battle against Orlando and realizes he's too weak
He is tricked by his advisors into believing peace is the better option
Why does Jaques decide not to return to the royal court but instead to join Duke Frederick at the monastery?
5 of 5
He wants to seek revenge on Duke Frederick
He feels inclined towards a life of contemplation
He has been banished from the royal court
He is following a secret order from Duke Senior