Death on the Nile

Death on the Nile


Agatha Christie

Miss Bowers is the nurse of Miss Van Schuyler (who also travels with her cousin Cornelia Robson). Miss Van Schuyler doesn’t suffer from any specific medical condition—she’s just a very wealthy woman who prefers to keep a nurse with her out of convenience. Miss Bowers is significant precisely because she doesn’t have any motive or connection to the central mystery—her outsider status makes her a reliable witness, and by confirming Jacqueline’s alibi, she deepens the mystery.

Miss Bowers Quotes in Death on the Nile

The Death on the Nile quotes below are all either spoken by Miss Bowers or refer to Miss Bowers. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter Twenty-Two  Quotes

Finally he turned his attention to the washstand. There were various creams, powders, face lotions. But the only thing that seemed to interest Poirot were two little bottles labelled Nailex. He picked them up at last and brought them to the dressing table. One, which bore the inscription Nailex Rose, was empty but for a drop or two of dark red fluid at the bottom. The other, the same size, but labelled Nailex Cardinal, was nearly full. Poirot uncorked first the empty, then the full one, and sniffed them both delicately.

Related Characters: Colonel Race (speaker), Hercule Poirot, Linnet Doyle, Simon Doyle , Miss Bowers
Related Symbols: Pearls
Page Number: 237
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Miss Bowers Quotes in Death on the Nile

The Death on the Nile quotes below are all either spoken by Miss Bowers or refer to Miss Bowers. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter Twenty-Two  Quotes

Finally he turned his attention to the washstand. There were various creams, powders, face lotions. But the only thing that seemed to interest Poirot were two little bottles labelled Nailex. He picked them up at last and brought them to the dressing table. One, which bore the inscription Nailex Rose, was empty but for a drop or two of dark red fluid at the bottom. The other, the same size, but labelled Nailex Cardinal, was nearly full. Poirot uncorked first the empty, then the full one, and sniffed them both delicately.

Related Characters: Colonel Race (speaker), Hercule Poirot, Linnet Doyle, Simon Doyle , Miss Bowers
Related Symbols: Pearls
Page Number: 237
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