Gone with the Wind

Gone with the Wind


Margaret Mitchell

Uncle Henry Hamilton Character Analysis

Uncle Henry Hamilton is Miss Pittypat’s brother. Although he lives around the corner from her in Atlanta, the two had a falling out over money and how Pitty was raising Charles, so they don’t speak. Uncle Henry often gives Scarlett advice about how to protect her and Wade Hampton’s assets. He is dispatched along with the Home Guard and seems invigorated by his time in combat.
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Uncle Henry Hamilton Character Timeline in Gone with the Wind

The timeline below shows where the character Uncle Henry Hamilton appears in Gone with the Wind. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 8
Charles’s Uncle Henry Hamilton also urges Scarlett to stay. He points out that Wade should grow up on... (full context)
Chapter 18
...Scarlett and Melanie leave the hospital to watch them depart. Old Grandpa Merriwether and Uncle Henry Hamilton are with the Home Guard. The rest of the group are young boys, such... (full context)
The defeated army pours into Atlanta. Grandpa Merriwether and Uncle Henry return to Atlanta with the Home Guard, but Scarlett sees no sign of John Wilkes.... (full context)
Chapter 19
One night, Uncle Henry Hamilton knocks on the door. He is barefoot and has lice but seems to be... (full context)
Before Henry leaves, Scarlett fixes him a lunch downstairs. She asks him if the fighting is serious.... (full context)
Chapter 33
...The warehouse Charles left her must also be destroyed; someday she’ll have to repay Uncle Henry for the taxes he covered on it. As they continue, Scarlett is sad to see... (full context)
...finances. Pitty explains that everything except the house is gone, and she’s living off Uncle Henry’s generosity. Scarlett knows Henry is struggling to save this property that belongs to Wade at... (full context)
Chapter 42
...Angry, Ashley says he didn’t believe in the war, but he still fought it. Uncle Henry tells Archie to drive Scarlett home before things get violent. Scarlett doesn’t admire the legislature... (full context)
Chapter 43
...says, “genteel starvation,” but that he’d really “died” when Lee surrendered. He wasn’t like Uncle Henry and Mr. Merriwether, who were industrious after the war; rather, he was one of those... (full context)
Chapter 49
...out. Later that night, in the Girl of the Period Saloon, Grandpa Merriwether tells Uncle Henry what happened at the sewing circle. Henry says the ladies are right; Scarlett is terrible.... (full context)
...invites her friends, old and new, to her house-warming reception. Only Ashley, Melanie, Pitty, Uncle Henry, and the Meades of the Old Guard came. A few others reluctantly agree to come... (full context)