Hardy Quotes in Journey’s End
OSBORNE: He’s a long way the best company commander we’ve got.
HARDY: Oh, he’s a good chap, I know. But I never did see a youngster put away the whisky he does. D’you know, the last time we were out resting at Valennes he came to supper with us and drank a whole bottle in one hour fourteen minutes—we timed him.
OSBORNE: I suppose it amused everybody; I suppose everybody cheered him on, and said what a splendid achievement it was.
HARDY: He didn’t want any ‘cheering’ on—
OSBORNE: No, but everybody thought it was a big thing to do. [There is a pause.] Didn’t they?
HARDY: Well, you can’t help, somehow, admiring a fellow who can do that—and then pick out his own hat all by himself and walk home—
OSBORNE: When a boy like Stanhope gets a reputation out here for drinking, he turns into a kind of freak show exhibit. People pay with a bottle of whisky for the morbid curiosity of seeing him drink it.
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Hardy Quotes in Journey’s End
OSBORNE: He’s a long way the best company commander we’ve got.
HARDY: Oh, he’s a good chap, I know. But I never did see a youngster put away the whisky he does. D’you know, the last time we were out resting at Valennes he came to supper with us and drank a whole bottle in one hour fourteen minutes—we timed him.
OSBORNE: I suppose it amused everybody; I suppose everybody cheered him on, and said what a splendid achievement it was.
HARDY: He didn’t want any ‘cheering’ on—
OSBORNE: No, but everybody thought it was a big thing to do. [There is a pause.] Didn’t they?
HARDY: Well, you can’t help, somehow, admiring a fellow who can do that—and then pick out his own hat all by himself and walk home—
OSBORNE: When a boy like Stanhope gets a reputation out here for drinking, he turns into a kind of freak show exhibit. People pay with a bottle of whisky for the morbid curiosity of seeing him drink it.
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