Julius Caesar


William Shakespeare

Julius Caesar: Act 2, scene 1 Quiz 9 questions

Read our modern English translation.
Test your knowledge of Act 2, scene 1. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
Why does Brutus consider Caesar's kingship a threat?
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He believes Caesar might abuse his power
He thinks Caesar will wage wars against other countries
He fears that Caesar will banish him from Rome
He suspects that Caesar is secretly plotting against him
What message does Brutus interpret from the letter Lucius delivers to him?
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He is advised to seek forgiveness from Caesar for past wrongs
He is warned about imminent danger from the meteors falling in Rome
He is informed about a political conspiracy against him
He is called upon to prevent Rome from falling under a king's rule
Why is the "ides of March" (March 15th) an important day in the context of the play?
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It is the day that Brutus has planned to flee Rome
It is the day the soothsayer warned Caesar about
It is an important religious holiday for ancient Romans
It is the day Caesar has planned to forcibly take the crown
Why does Brutus object to Cassius's proposal of an oath among the conspirators?
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He believes Romans should trust one another without needing an oath
He fears someone could overhear the conspirators pledging the oath
He thinks the oath would legally implicate them in the conspiracy
He wants the conspirators to remain free to change their minds
Why does Brutus refuse to include Cicero in the plot to assassinate Caesar?
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He thinks Cicero is too old to be involved
He fears Cicero might back out at the last moment
He believes Cicero is not likely to be a follower
He suspects Cicero might betray the other conspirators
Why does Brutus reject the idea of killing Mark Antony?
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He believes Mark Antony is too discerning to be caught off guard
He argues that their duty is to sacrifice Caesar, not to become butchers
He thinks Mark Antony could be an ally after Caesar's death
He fears that killing two people would draw too much attention
Why does Cassius doubt whether Caesar will go to the Capitol on March 15th?
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Caesar has a personal grudge against Decius
Caesar has started to catch on to the conspirators' plot
Caesar is traveling and may not return until the following day
Caesar has recently grown superstitious
What tactic does Portia use in her speech to convince Brutus of her trustworthiness?
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She uses logic, referring to her relationships with noblemen to show her strength
She uses a threat, telling Brutus she'll reveal his secret if he doesn't confide in her
She uses emotional appeal, describing her love and concern for Brutus
She uses loyalty, offers to join the conspiracy against Caesar to prove her loyalty
What does Caius Ligarius's metaphor of bodily sickness symbolize in the context of Rome?
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It represents the Roman military's failures
It reflects the poor healthcare system in ancient Rome
It symbolizes the dysfunction of Roman society
It illustrates Caesar's weak leadership