Julius Caesar


William Shakespeare

Julius Caesar: Act 5, scene 3 Quiz 3 questions

Read our modern English translation.
Test your knowledge of Act 5, scene 3. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What action does Cassius take when he believes his army is being overrun by Antony’s forces?
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He orders his troops to fully retreat
He kills Titinius as punishment for his cowardice
He orders Titinius to scout out the situation
He tells Pindarus to stab him to death
What does Titinius do after finding Cassius's body?
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He runs off to inform Brutus of Cassius's death
He looks for Pindarus to avenge Cassius's death
He places a victory garland on Cassius and kills himself
He surrenders to Antony's forces
How does Brutus respond to discovering the bodies of Cassius and Titinius?
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He prepares for another battle
He blames their deaths on Pindarus
He orders his army to retreat
He surrenders to Antony and Octavius