


William Shakespeare

Macduff Character Analysis

Read our modern English translation.
A Scottish nobleman, and the Thane of Fife. His wife is Lady Macduff, and the two have babies and a young son. Macduff offers a contrast to Macbeth: a Scottish lord who, far from being ambitious, puts the welfare of Scotland even ahead of the welfare of his own family. Macduff suspects Macbeth from the beginning, and becomes one of the leaders of the rebellion. After Macbeth has Macduff's family murdered, Macduff's desire for vengeance becomes more personal and powerful.
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Macduff Character Timeline in Macbeth

The timeline below shows where the character Macduff appears in Macbeth. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act 1, scene 6
Duncan, Malcolm, Donalbain, Banquo, Lennox, Macduff, Ross, and Angus arrive at Inverness. Duncan comments on the sweetness of the air. Banquo... (full context)
Act 2, scene 3
...hell, and mocking whoever might be knocking to get into hell. At the door are Macduff and Lennox. Macduff good-naturedly asks what took so long. The porter blames drunkenness, and makes... (full context)
Macbeth enters, pretending to have just woken up. Macduff asks if the King has woken yet: Duncan had asked to see Macduff early that... (full context)
As they wait for Macduff to return, Lennox describes the terrible storm that raged the previous night and sounded like... (full context)
Macduff cries out in horror and runs onstage. Macbeth and Lennox ask what happened, then run... (full context)
Macbeth wishes aloud that he hadn't killed the attendants. When Macduff asks why Macbeth did kill the attendants, Macbeth says he was so furious that they... (full context)
Act 2, scene 4
Macduff enters. He says it seems Duncan's attendants did commit the murder, and that because Malcolm... (full context)
Macduff then says Macbeth has been made king, and that he has already gone to Scone... (full context)
Act 3, scene 6
Macduff, the lord says, has gone to England to meet with Malcolm and try to get... (full context)
Both men hope Macduff remains safe and soon returns with the armies of Malcolm and England to free Scotland... (full context)
Act 4, scene 1
...witches conjure up three apparitions. First, a floating head appears and tells Macbeth to beware Macduff. (full context)
Lennox enters. He brings word that Macduff has fled to England. In an aside, Macbeth scolds himself for failing to kill Macduff... (full context)
Act 4, scene 2
At Fife (Macduff's castle), Lady Macduff is angry. She demands to know why Macduff has gone to England,... (full context)
After Ross leaves, Lady Macduff turns to her son. She tells the boy that his father is dead. The boy... (full context)
A servant bursts in to warn of coming danger, then rushes out. Before Lady Macduff or her children can run, murderers enter the chamber, stab Macduff's son, and chase Lady... (full context)
Act 4, scene 3
In England, near the palace of King Edward, Macduff urges Malcolm to quickly raise an army against Macbeth. But Malcolm says Macduff might actually... (full context)
...Malcolm describes himself as so lustful, vicious, and greedy that he makes Macbeth look kind. Macduff cries out in horror, and says he will leave Scotland forever since there is no... (full context)
Just then an English doctor enters. Malcolm speaks with the doctor, then tells Macduff that King Edward of England is so saintly that he can cure disease. (full context)
...the Scottish people would line up to join his army against Macbeth. Finally, Ross tells Macduff his family has been murdered. Macduff cries out in anguish. Malcolm tells him to fight... (full context)
Act 5, scene 4
In Birnam Wood, Malcolm walks with Macduff, Siward, Young Siward, and others Scottish and English lords. Malcolm gives orders that to hide... (full context)
Act 5, scene 6
...throw down the branches they carry. The first charge against Dunsinane commences under Siward and Macduff. (full context)
Act 5, scene 8
Macduff searches for Macbeth, vowing to kill him to avenge his family. (full context)
Act 5, scene 10
Macbeth and Macduff meet. Macbeth says he has avoided fighting Macduff because he has too much blood on... (full context)
They fight. Macbeth mocks Macduff, saying his effort is wasted: no one of woman born can beat Macbeth. But Macduff... (full context)
...suddenly fearful now that the prophecy has turned against him, refuses to fight him. But Macduff calls Macbeth a coward and says that Macbeth will be mocked across Scotland if he... (full context)
Act 5, scene 11
Macduff enters, carrying Macbeth's severed head. He proclaims Malcolm to be King of Scotland and swears... (full context)