Test your knowledge of Act 3, scene 1. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
At the beginning of Act 3, scene 1, as Banquo voices to himself the suspicion that Macbeth made the prophecy come true through foul play, what is foremost on Banquo's mind?
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His concern for future of Scotland if it is being ruled by a murderer
His anger at the witches for corrupting Macbeth into committing such a heinous act
His plans to outsmart Macbeth and expose his foul play to the other thanes
His own ambition and the possibility that the prophecy might come true for him too
Why does Macbeth ask Banquo if Fleance will be riding with him?
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He wants to invite Fleance to the feast
To engage in casual conversation as a way to trick Banquo into not suspecting Macbeth's plot against him
Because he wants to ensure that he has the chance to kill both Banquo and his heir
He is testing Banquo to see if Banquo suspects anything about the murder
Why do the murderers agree to kill Banquo and Fleance?
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Because Macbeth questions their manhood
To gain wealth and power promised by Macbeth
Because the murderers are in league with the witches
The murderers believe that Banquo is not honorable