


William Shakespeare

Macbeth: Act 4, scene 2 Quiz 3 questions

Read our modern English translation.
Test your knowledge of Act 4, scene 2. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What do Lady Macduff's feelings about her husband's decision to go to England reveal about her ideas about manhood?
1 of 3
A man owes more to his family than his country
A man must stand and fight and never flee
A man most always sacrifice his own needs to those of his country
A man must always honor his king no matter the circumstances
When Lady Macduff tells her son that Macduff broken his oath, to what oath is she referring?
2 of 3
His oath to protect his lands
His oath to serve Macbeth
His oath to protect Duncan
His oath of marriage to her
What is the significance of Macbeth ordering the murder of Macduff's family?
3 of 3
It shows Macbeth's compassion for his enemies
It demonstrates Macbeth's desire to protect Scotland
It highlights Macbeth's complete loss of humanity
It proves that Macbeth is a wise and strategic leader