


William Shakespeare

Macbeth: Act 5, scene 3 Quiz 3 questions

Read our modern English translation.
Test your knowledge of Act 5, scene 3. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What makes Macbeth feel fearless in the face of reports of the imminent arrival of Malcolm's army?
1 of 3
His confidence in his own military strategy
His belief in the prophecies
His alliance with supernatural forces
His knowledge of Malcolm's weaknesses
Why might Macbeth feel sick at heart as he waits for Malcolm's army to arrive at Dunsinane?
2 of 3
He is worried he will lose the battle and be killed
He is distraught about what has happened to Scotland
He wishes Lady Macbeth were well enough to stand beside him
He is trapped between remorse and an inability to turn back
What does Macbeth command the doctor to do regarding Lady Macbeth's condition?
3 of 3
Leave her alone
Cure her
Keep her under observation
Examine her for signs of witchcraft