

William Shakespeare

Othello: Act 5, scene 1 Quiz 6 questions

Read our modern English translation.
Test your knowledge of Act 5, scene 1. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What does Iago reveal in his aside about his motivations just before Roderigo attacks Cassio?
1 of 6
He cares only about ruining Othello
He finds it funny to successfully manipulate people
He is willing to get people killed to serve his own ends
All of the above
What does Othello assume has happened after hearing Cassio's shouts of pain during the ambush by Roderigo and Iago?
2 of 6
That Iago has betrayed him
That Roderigo has killed Cassio
That Cassio has survived his attackers
That Iago has killed Cassio
Why does Iago kill Roderigo?
3 of 6
He is angry that Roderigo failed to kill Cassio in the ambush
He wants to ensure Roderigo can't reveal his schemes
He fears that Roderigo might attack him
He wants to make certain he can keep Roderigo's jewels
What does Iago do when Bianca enters the scene after the failed ambush on Cassio?
4 of 6
Implicates her
Mocks her
Tells her to leave
Ignores her
What does the brief fight between Emilia and Bianca show?
5 of 6
That solidarity between women will eventually hold firm in the face of oppression from men
Their fundamental disinterest in each other given their different stations in life
That women can hold gender prejudices and stereotypes against other women
None of the above
What does Iago's aside to the audience that "This is the night / That either makes me or fordoes me quite" emphasize?
6 of 6
That his plans will imminently come together or fall apart
His role as a director of the events of the play
Neither A nor B