Remembering Babylon


David Malouf

Andy McKillop Character Analysis

Andy is Barney’s hired hand. Barney and the other settlers do not trust Andy because he is a drunk and a troublemaker, but after Andy spies Gemmy speaking to two Aboriginal men, he hopes that reporting the incident will earn Barney’s goodwill. When Barney is slow to take his story seriously, Andy lies and tells Barney that Gemmy’s visitors also gave him some sort of stone, which is just mysterious enough to stir the settlers into a fearful frenzy.

Andy McKillop Quotes in Remembering Babylon

The Remembering Babylon quotes below are all either spoken by Andy McKillop or refer to Andy McKillop. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism and Xenophobia Theme Icon
Chapter 9 Quotes

At one point, out in the open, [the Aboriginal Australians] paused and looked up, bold as brass, to where he stood, pretty well hidden he had thought, and saw him, he was sure of it; any road, recorded he was there. Then boldly turning their backs on him and with no further interest, in whether or not he was observing, the old one, high-shouldered and floaty, still in front, walked on. The bloody effrontery of it! The cheek! The gall!

Related Characters: Gemmy Fairley, Andy McKillop
Page Number: 94
Explanation and Analysis:

And the stone, once launched, had a life of its own. It flew in all directions, developed a capacity to multiply, accelerate, leave wounds; and the wounds were real even if the stone was not, and would not heal.

Related Characters: Gemmy Fairley, Ellen McIvor, Barney Mason, Andy McKillop
Related Symbols: The Stone
Page Number: 102
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 10 Quotes

“For God’s sake, man, when did ye ever tak heed o’ what Andy says? We’re no’ scared o’ stones. Ah thought that was the difference between us and them.”

Related Characters: Jock McIvor (speaker), Gemmy Fairley, Barney Mason, Andy McKillop
Related Symbols: The Stone
Page Number: 105
Explanation and Analysis:
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Andy McKillop Quotes in Remembering Babylon

The Remembering Babylon quotes below are all either spoken by Andy McKillop or refer to Andy McKillop. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism and Xenophobia Theme Icon
Chapter 9 Quotes

At one point, out in the open, [the Aboriginal Australians] paused and looked up, bold as brass, to where he stood, pretty well hidden he had thought, and saw him, he was sure of it; any road, recorded he was there. Then boldly turning their backs on him and with no further interest, in whether or not he was observing, the old one, high-shouldered and floaty, still in front, walked on. The bloody effrontery of it! The cheek! The gall!

Related Characters: Gemmy Fairley, Andy McKillop
Page Number: 94
Explanation and Analysis:

And the stone, once launched, had a life of its own. It flew in all directions, developed a capacity to multiply, accelerate, leave wounds; and the wounds were real even if the stone was not, and would not heal.

Related Characters: Gemmy Fairley, Ellen McIvor, Barney Mason, Andy McKillop
Related Symbols: The Stone
Page Number: 102
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 10 Quotes

“For God’s sake, man, when did ye ever tak heed o’ what Andy says? We’re no’ scared o’ stones. Ah thought that was the difference between us and them.”

Related Characters: Jock McIvor (speaker), Gemmy Fairley, Barney Mason, Andy McKillop
Related Symbols: The Stone
Page Number: 105
Explanation and Analysis: