Remembering Babylon


David Malouf

George Abbot is the settlement’s schoolmaster. Although he is only 19 year old at the start of the story, George intentionally gives an impression of being considerably older through his stern, humorless demeanor. Although George was a clever child with a wealthy benefactor, his young adult life has not granted him the success he feels he deserves, making him bitter and resentful of everyone around him, and he often takes out his frustrations by severely punishing his students. However, as George begins spending time with Leona at Mrs. Hutchence’s house, he learns to let go of his pretenses, care less about how others perceive him, and accept his place in life, which makes him considerably more personable. George even begins to feel a sense of admiration for Gemmy, whom he’d initially been repulsed by, because he comes to respect the manner in which Gemmy has endured such long years of suffering. When Gemmy arrives at the schoolhouse one day, looking for the pages written about his life, George realizes that they are with Mr. Frazer, 600 miles away in Brisbane. However, George recognizes that this is important to Gemmy, so he gives him several pages of student assignments, which Gemmy believes are the pages he seeks (since he cannot read) and which serve the same psychological purpose for him.

George Abbot Quotes in Remembering Babylon

The Remembering Babylon quotes below are all either spoken by George Abbot or refer to George Abbot. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism and Xenophobia Theme Icon
Chapter 8 Quotes

[Janet] saw something else as well. That in playing his part, Mr. Abbot had no more to do than Hector had. They only thought they were playing, because Leona managed things so cleverly, putting words into their mouths they they had never in fact spoken, and taking both parts herself.

Related Characters: Janet McIvor, Ellen McIvor, Leona Gonzalez, George Abbot, Hector (Hec) Gosper
Page Number: 90
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 19 Quotes

“Grandeur” was the word that came to [George], and he did not reject it. It did not seem too large for what he saw at times in a man [Gemmy] who had been kicked from one side of the world to the other, not even knowing perhaps what part of it he was in, except that he was there in his own skin.

Related Characters: Gemmy Fairley, George Abbot
Page Number: 180
Explanation and Analysis:
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George Abbot Quotes in Remembering Babylon

The Remembering Babylon quotes below are all either spoken by George Abbot or refer to George Abbot. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism and Xenophobia Theme Icon
Chapter 8 Quotes

[Janet] saw something else as well. That in playing his part, Mr. Abbot had no more to do than Hector had. They only thought they were playing, because Leona managed things so cleverly, putting words into their mouths they they had never in fact spoken, and taking both parts herself.

Related Characters: Janet McIvor, Ellen McIvor, Leona Gonzalez, George Abbot, Hector (Hec) Gosper
Page Number: 90
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 19 Quotes

“Grandeur” was the word that came to [George], and he did not reject it. It did not seem too large for what he saw at times in a man [Gemmy] who had been kicked from one side of the world to the other, not even knowing perhaps what part of it he was in, except that he was there in his own skin.

Related Characters: Gemmy Fairley, George Abbot
Page Number: 180
Explanation and Analysis: