

Christopher Marlowe

Orcanes Character Analysis

Orcanes is king of Natolia. He strikes an oath of alliance with Sigismund, which he respects but Sigismund betrays. In this respect the Muslim Orcanes appears honorable in contrast to the fickle Christian Sigismund. When Callapine returns, Orcanes and his Eastern viceroys pledge their armies to his revenge mission against Tamburlaine. When Tamburlaine defeats them, he yolks them by the mouth to his chariot, showing the extent of his rage and bitterness in the wake of Zenocrate’s death.

Orcanes Quotes in Tamburlaine

The Tamburlaine quotes below are all either spoken by Orcanes or refer to Orcanes . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Honor Theme Icon
Part 2 Quotes

Can there be such deceit in Christians,
Or treason in the fleshly heart of man,
Whose shape is figure of the highest God?
Then if there be a Christ, as Christians say,
But in their deeds deny him for their Christ,
[…] Take here these papers as our sacrifice
And witness of thy servant’s perjury.

Related Characters: Orcanes (speaker), Sigismund
Page Number: 2.3.36-46
Explanation and Analysis:

ORCANES: Thou showest the difference ‘twixt ourselves and thee
In this thy barbarous damnèd tyranny.

KING OF JERUSALEM: Thy victories are grown so violent
That shortly heaven, filled with the meteors
Of blood and fire thy tyrannies have made,
Will pour down blood and fire on thy head,
Whose scalding drops will pierce thy seething brains,
And with our bloods revenge our bloods on thee.

Related Characters: Orcanes (speaker), Eastern Viceroys (Eastern Forces, Turkish Kings) (speaker), Tamburlaine
Page Number: 4.1.139-144
Explanation and Analysis:
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Orcanes Quotes in Tamburlaine

The Tamburlaine quotes below are all either spoken by Orcanes or refer to Orcanes . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Honor Theme Icon
Part 2 Quotes

Can there be such deceit in Christians,
Or treason in the fleshly heart of man,
Whose shape is figure of the highest God?
Then if there be a Christ, as Christians say,
But in their deeds deny him for their Christ,
[…] Take here these papers as our sacrifice
And witness of thy servant’s perjury.

Related Characters: Orcanes (speaker), Sigismund
Page Number: 2.3.36-46
Explanation and Analysis:

ORCANES: Thou showest the difference ‘twixt ourselves and thee
In this thy barbarous damnèd tyranny.

KING OF JERUSALEM: Thy victories are grown so violent
That shortly heaven, filled with the meteors
Of blood and fire thy tyrannies have made,
Will pour down blood and fire on thy head,
Whose scalding drops will pierce thy seething brains,
And with our bloods revenge our bloods on thee.

Related Characters: Orcanes (speaker), Eastern Viceroys (Eastern Forces, Turkish Kings) (speaker), Tamburlaine
Page Number: 4.1.139-144
Explanation and Analysis: