

Christopher Marlowe

Techelles and Usumcasane Character Analysis

Techelles and Usumcasaneare loyal followers of Tamburlaine from before the play begins. The pair express an unwavering devotion for Tamburlaine, though they explicitly state their expectation of derivative glory and power for themselves. This seems fair enough, and Tamburlaine’s undefeated career means that their loyalty is never tested. He makes them kings of Fez and Morocco, respectively. Their temperaments align with those of their boss: they affirm and encourage his most brutal desires, save only his murderous rage at Calyphas, on whose behalf they unsuccessfully plead.

Techelles and Usumcasane Quotes in Tamburlaine

The Tamburlaine quotes below are all either spoken by Techelles and Usumcasane or refer to Techelles and Usumcasane . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Honor Theme Icon
Part 1 Quotes

Zenocrate, lovelier than the love of Jove,
Brighter than is the silver Rhodope,
Fairer than whitest snow on Scythian hills,
Thy person is worth more to Tamburlaine
Than the possession of the Persian crown,
Which gracious stars have promised at my birth.
A hundred Tartars shall attend on thee
Mounted on steeds swifter than Pegasus […]

Related Characters: Tamburlaine (speaker), Zenocrate , Techelles and Usumcasane
Related Symbols: Crowns, The Stars
Page Number: 1.2.87-94
Explanation and Analysis:
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Tamburlaine PDF

Techelles and Usumcasane Quotes in Tamburlaine

The Tamburlaine quotes below are all either spoken by Techelles and Usumcasane or refer to Techelles and Usumcasane . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Honor Theme Icon
Part 1 Quotes

Zenocrate, lovelier than the love of Jove,
Brighter than is the silver Rhodope,
Fairer than whitest snow on Scythian hills,
Thy person is worth more to Tamburlaine
Than the possession of the Persian crown,
Which gracious stars have promised at my birth.
A hundred Tartars shall attend on thee
Mounted on steeds swifter than Pegasus […]

Related Characters: Tamburlaine (speaker), Zenocrate , Techelles and Usumcasane
Related Symbols: Crowns, The Stars
Page Number: 1.2.87-94
Explanation and Analysis: