

Christopher Marlowe

Vestal Virgins Character Analysis

The Governor of Damascus sends a host of vestal virgins to plead with Tamburlaine to spare the city. Having already raised the black flags, Tamburlaine feels bound by his word and dismisses them, conceding that the outcome is unfortunate. His forces brutally slaughter the girls, shocking Zenocrate into momentary repulsion at her lover.
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Vestal Virgins Character Timeline in Tamburlaine

The timeline below shows where the character Vestal Virgins appears in Tamburlaine. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1
Honor Theme Icon
Beauty and Violence Theme Icon
Religion and Blasphemy Theme Icon
...Tamburlaine’s tents have gone black, and the Governor of Damascus dispatches a troop of vestal virgins to plead with Tamburlaine for the city’s lives. (full context)
Honor Theme Icon
Beauty and Violence Theme Icon
Religion and Blasphemy Theme Icon
Zenocrate is horrified by the slaughter of the virgins and even more distraught when she finds the bodies of Bajazeth and Zabina. She laments... (full context)