The Buddha of Suburbia


Hanif Kureishi

Marlene Character Analysis

Marlene is Matthew Pyke's wife. She and Pyke are very open and adventurous sexually, and they regularly participate in group sex events all over the world. When she expresses interest in having sex with Karim, Pyke invites Karim and Eleanor to their home. Though Karim does have sex with Marlene, he finds her brash, annoying, and unattractive and he sees that Pyke feels the same way about his wife.

Marlene Quotes in The Buddha of Suburbia

The The Buddha of Suburbia quotes below are all either spoken by Marlene or refer to Marlene. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 2, Chapter 12 Quotes

With their poking into life's odd corners, Pyke and Marlene seemed to me to be more like intrepid journalists than swimmers in the sensual. Their desire to snuggle up to real life betrayed a basic separation from it. And their obsession with how the world worked just seemed another form of self-obsession.

Related Characters: Karim (speaker), Matthew Pyke, Marlene
Page Number: 191
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Marlene Quotes in The Buddha of Suburbia

The The Buddha of Suburbia quotes below are all either spoken by Marlene or refer to Marlene. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 2, Chapter 12 Quotes

With their poking into life's odd corners, Pyke and Marlene seemed to me to be more like intrepid journalists than swimmers in the sensual. Their desire to snuggle up to real life betrayed a basic separation from it. And their obsession with how the world worked just seemed another form of self-obsession.

Related Characters: Karim (speaker), Matthew Pyke, Marlene
Page Number: 191
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