The Decameron

The Decameron


Giovanni Boccaccio

Ansaldo Gradense is Madonna Dianora’s admirer in Elissa’s tenth tale (X, 5). He cheats by hiring a Magician to help him fulfill the impossible condition she sets him but is generously willing to release her from her rash promise after seeing her husband Gilberto’s inspiring example of generosity. He himself becomes the recipient of the Magician’s generosity in turn.

Ansaldo Gradense Quotes in The Decameron

The The Decameron quotes below are all either spoken by Ansaldo Gradense or refer to Ansaldo Gradense. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Love and Sex Theme Icon
Day 10: Fifth Tale Quotes

“What I want is this,” replied the lady, “In the month of January that is now approaching, I want a garden, somewhere near the town, that is full of green plants, flowers, and leafy trees, exactly as though it were the month of May. And if he fails to provide it, let him take good care never to send you or anyone else to me again. For if he should provoke me any further, I shall no longer keep this matter a secret as I have until now, but I shall seek to rid myself of his attentions by complaining to my husband and kinsfolk.

Related Characters: Dianora (speaker), Emilia, Gilberto, Ansaldo Gradense
Related Symbols: Gardens
Page Number: 727
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Ansaldo Gradense Character Timeline in The Decameron

The timeline below shows where the character Ansaldo Gradense appears in The Decameron. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Day 10: Fifth Tale
Men and Women Theme Icon
...and his wife Madonna Dianora live in Udine, in the cold northern mountains of Italy. Ansaldo Gradense has fallen in love with Dianora but hasn’t won her heart despite his noble manners... (full context)
Love and Sex Theme Icon
Men and Women Theme Icon
Class and Character Theme Icon
Madonna Dianora, tired of Ansaldo Gradense ’s attention, decides to rid herself of him with an impossible task. She tells his... (full context)
Love and Sex Theme Icon
Men and Women Theme Icon
In the exact middle of January, the Magician conjures a beautiful garden, and Ansaldo Gradense presents its fruits and flowers to Madonna Dianora, both to show her how deeply he... (full context)
Love and Sex Theme Icon
Men and Women Theme Icon
Moderation and Excess Theme Icon
Madonna Dianora doesn’t want to do this, but she ultimately obeys Gilberto’s command. She catches Ansaldo Gradense by surprise when she knocks on his door the next day. He calls the Magician... (full context)
Love and Sex Theme Icon
Men and Women Theme Icon
Deeply moved by “Gilberto’s liberality,” Ansaldo Gradense ’s desire turns to compassion. He promises to treat Madonna Dianora as a sister if... (full context)
Men and Women Theme Icon
...more generous lover: Gentile de’ Carisendi, for returning a lover he found nearly dead, or Ansaldo Gradense , for giving up a lady who was ready to throw herself into his very... (full context)