The Decameron

The Decameron


Giovanni Boccaccio

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Federigo, a young Florentine nobleman in love with Giovanna, appears in Fiammetta’s fifth tale (V, 9). Because Giovanna is married and wants to preserve her chastity, she spurns his advances, and he spends all his wealth trying to woo her. However, because he demonstrates a truly noble character, even after he must retire to live an impoverished life in the countryside, he retains polite manners and the customs of the nobility, like keeping his prized hawk. When Giovanna wants the hawk, his last possession, for her son, he willingly gives it to her as a demonstration of his steadfast love. And this steadfast love eventually earns her respect and affection, and after she’s widowed, she takes Federigo as her second husband.
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Federigo Character Timeline in The Decameron

The timeline below shows where the character Federigo appears in The Decameron. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Day 5: Ninth Tale
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In Florence, nobleman Filippo Alberighi’s son Federigo is well-regarded for his chivalrous deeds and refined manners. Federigo loves Monna Giovanna, one of... (full context)
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...a widow with a young son. Every summer, they go to a country estate near Federigo’s farm, and he befriends the boy based on a shared love of birds and dogs.... (full context)
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Federigo is astonished the following morning to find Giovanna at his gate. She says that she’s... (full context)
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Monna Giovanna initially reproaches Federigo for killing the bird but realizes the generosity of spirit he showed in sacrificing it... (full context)