The Godfather


Mario Puzo

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Chapter 1 Quotes

It was part of the Don’s greatness that he profited from everything.

Related Characters: Don Vito Corleone, Carlo Rizzi
Related Symbols: Wealth
Page Number: 16
Explanation and Analysis:

Luca Brasi did not fear the police, he did not fear society, he did not fear God, he did not fear hell, he did not fear or love his fellow man. But he had elected, he had chosen, to fear and love Don Corleone.

Related Characters: Don Vito Corleone, Luca Brasi
Page Number: 21
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“I believe in America. America has made my fortune.”

Related Characters: Amerigo Bonasera (speaker), Don Vito Corleone, Jerry Wagner and Kevin Moonan
Related Symbols: Wealth
Page Number: 25
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“I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.”

Related Characters: Don Vito Corleone (speaker), Johnny Fontane, Jack Woltz
Page Number: 34
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“A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns.”

Related Characters: Don Vito Corleone (speaker), Thomas “Tom” Hagen
Page Number: 46
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Chapter 8 Quotes

“Even the shooting of your father was business, not personal. You should know that by now.”

Related Characters: Thomas “Tom” Hagen (speaker), Don Vito Corleone, Santino “Sonny” Corleone
Page Number: 108
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Chapter 9 Quotes

He was surprised to find himself so secretive with Kay. He loved her, he trusted her, but he would never tell her anything about his father or the Family. She was an outsider.

Related Characters: Don Vito Corleone, Michael Corleone, Kay Adams
Page Number: 112
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Chapter 12 Quotes

“But you can’t get sore at him. It’s like getting sore at God.”

Related Characters: Johnny Fontane (speaker), Don Vito Corleone, Thomas “Tom” Hagen
Related Symbols: Wealth
Page Number: 159
Explanation and Analysis:

He could use power and monetary favors grudgingly, always alert for treason, always believing that women would betray and desert him, adversaries to be bested. Or he could refuse to hate women and continue to believe in them.

Related Characters: Margot Ashton, Sharon Moore , Virginia “Ginny” Fontane
Page Number: 167
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Chapter 14 Quotes

When he became a Don and asked opponents to sit down and reason with him, they understood it was the last chance to resolve an affair without bloodshed and murder.

Related Characters: Peter “Pete” Clemenza, Salvatore “Sal” Tessio, Don Fanucci
Page Number: 191
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Chapter 16 Quotes

She might be a daughter of the Great Don but she was his wife, she was his property now and he could treat her as he pleased.

Related Characters: Don Vito Corleone, Constanzia “Connie” Corleone, Carlo Rizzi
Page Number: 225
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Chapter 19 Quotes

She was quite content not to share the pain of her men, after all did they share the pain of women?

Related Characters: Santino “Sonny” Corleone, Mama Corleone, Thomas “Tom” Hagen
Page Number: 254
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Chapter 20 Quotes

Nothing was more calming, more conducive to pure reason, than the atmosphere of money.

Related Characters: Don Vito Corleone, Thomas “Tom” Hagen, Emilio Barzini, Phillip Tattaglia
Page Number: 267
Explanation and Analysis:

“We are all men who have refused to be fools, who have refused to be puppets dancing on a string pulled by the men on high. We have been fortunate here in this country […] Some of you have sons who are professors, scientists, musicians, and you are fortunate. Perhaps your grandchildren will become the new pezzonovanti.”

Related Characters: Don Vito Corleone (speaker), Thomas “Tom” Hagen, Emilio Barzini, Phillip Tattaglia
Page Number: 278
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Chapter 23 Quotes

Merit meant nothing. Talent meant nothing. Work meant nothing. The Mafia Godfather gave you your profession as a gift.

Related Characters: Michael Corleone, Don Tommasino, Dr. Taza
Page Number: 312
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Chapter 25 Quotes

“You’ll be my wife but you won’t be my partner in life, as I think they say. Not an equal partner. That can’t be.”

Related Characters: Michael Corleone (speaker), Kay Adams
Page Number: 346
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Chapter 27 Quotes

“But don’t ever take sides with anybody against the Family again.”

Related Characters: Michael Corleone (speaker), Frederico “Fredo” Corleone
Page Number: 372
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Chapter 28 Quotes

“Revenge is a dish that tastes best when it is cold.”

Related Characters: Don Vito Corleone (speaker), Santino “Sonny” Corleone, Michael Corleone, Thomas “Tom” Hagen, Peter “Pete” Clemenza, Salvatore “Sal” Tessio, Emilio Barzini, Phillip Tattaglia, Bruno Tattaglia
Page Number: 387
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Chapter 29 Quotes

He would see to it that they joined the general family of humanity, but he, as a powerful and prudent parent, would most certainly keep a wary eye on that general family.

Related Characters: Don Vito Corleone, Michael Corleone, Kay Adams
Page Number: 394
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 30 Quotes

He understood that he would be happier in the world the Corleones had created than in the world outside.

Related Characters: Michael Corleone, Albert “Al” Neri
Page Number: 407
Explanation and Analysis:
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