The Left Hand of Darkness


Ursula K. Le Guin

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Erhenrang Term Analysis

Karhide’s capital city. It is located in the southwestern corner of the country.

Erhenrang Quotes in The Left Hand of Darkness

The The Left Hand of Darkness quotes below are all either spoken by Erhenrang or refer to Erhenrang. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Truth and Storytelling Theme Icon
Chapter 10 Quotes

Obsle, speaking to persuade others, had said, “Either Karhide will fear the strength this alliance will give us—and Karhide is always afraid of new ways and new ideas, remember—and so will hang back and be left behind. Or else the Erhenrang Government will get up their courage and come and ask to join, after us, in second place. In either case the shifgrethor of Karhide will be diminished; and in either case, we drive the sledge. If we have the wits to take this advantage now, it will be a permanent advantage and a certain one!” Then turning to me, “But the Ekumen must be willing to help us, Mr. Ai. We have got to have more to show our people than you alone, one man, already known in Erhenrang.”

Related Characters: Genly Ai (speaker), Obsle (speaker), Therem Harth rem ir Estraven (Estraven) , King Argaven XV , Pemmer Harge rem ir Tibe (Tibe)
Page Number: 153
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 11 Quotes

He knew I was angry but I am not sure he understood that he was insulted; he seemed to accept my advice despite the manner of its giving; and when my temper cooled I saw this, and was worried by it. Is it possible that all along in Erhenrang he was seeking my advice, not knowing how to tell me that he sought it? If so, then he must have misunderstood half and not understood the rest of what I told him by my fireside in the Palace, the night after the Ceremony of the Keystone. His shifgrethor must be founded, and composed, and sustained, altogether differently from ours; and when I thought myself most blunt and frank with him he may have found me most subtle and unclear.

His obtuseness is ignorance. His arrogance is ignorance. He is ignorant of us: we of him. He is infinitely a stranger, and I a fool, to let my shadow cross the light of hope he brings us.

Related Characters: Therem Harth rem ir Estraven (Estraven) (speaker), Genly Ai , Ashe Foreth
Related Symbols: Keystone , Shadows
Page Number: 161
Explanation and Analysis:
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Erhenrang Term Timeline in The Left Hand of Darkness

The timeline below shows where the term Erhenrang appears in The Left Hand of Darkness. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1 
Otherness and Connectedness Theme Icon
The action begins with Genly Ai walking in a parade in Erhenrang, the capital of Karhide. It is raining, although that has not stopped the celebration. Ai... (full context)
Truth and Storytelling Theme Icon
Duty and Loyalty Theme Icon
Otherness and Connectedness Theme Icon
...Supper ends and the two men say farewell. Estraven tells Ai he will be leaving Ehrenrang soon—a fact which surprises Ai—but hopes he will see him again and ask him more... (full context)
Chapter 3
Duty and Loyalty Theme Icon
Otherness and Connectedness Theme Icon work with the government there, but he has more business in Karhide, outside of Erhenrang, first. He will continue to gather information, specifically about the Foretellers. (full context)
Chapter 5
Sex, Gender, and Behavior Theme Icon
Duty and Loyalty Theme Icon
Ai plans to leave Erhenrang, and gets advice from his landlady on how to leave and where to go. Understanding... (full context)
Chapter 8
Duty and Loyalty Theme Icon
Otherness and Connectedness Theme Icon
Ai returns to Erhenrang, where he now feels unsafe. Argaven has taken time off for his pregnancy, and Tibe... (full context)
Chapter 14
Duty and Loyalty Theme Icon
Light and Dark, Religion and Spirituality  Theme Icon
...He feels lucky, like he understands exactly how to act to achieve his goal. In Erhenrang he lost his foresight, but it has now returned. He is happy to have it... (full context)
Chapter 20
Duty and Loyalty Theme Icon
Argaven invites Ai to Erhenrang. Still residually ill from his winter journey, Ai remembers little of the trip. However, when... (full context)
Duty and Loyalty Theme Icon
In Ehrenrang, Ai meets Faxe again. Faxe has since joined the kyorremy. Ai suspects Faxe only became... (full context)
Duty and Loyalty Theme Icon
...Sorve comes forward, angrily. He is upset that Estraven is still called a traitor in Erhenrang. (full context)