The Marrow Thieves


Cherie Dimaline

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Wab Character Analysis

Wab is an eighteen-year-old woman in Frenchie's family. As the oldest girl, she has the power to choose how, what, and by whom domestic tasks get done, though she often chooses to do things herself. She's quiet and is described as "movie star beautiful," which is marred only by a huge keloid scar that runs from her forehead to her chest and which covers one of her eyes. Though Wab's scar and the history it suggests—and in some ways, Wab herself—is scary for some of the younger members of the family, they have all had crushes on Wab and gossip about her having been a mercenary. When the truth comes out, it's decidedly less heroic for Wab: after a childhood of poverty and intermittent sexual abuse, Wab turned her love of running into a business and ran notes around her city after other modes of communication were cut. A man put a stop to this business venture by cutting Wab's face and then keeping her locked in a broken walk-in freezer where men raped her for two days. Because of this experience, Wab is suspicious of strangers and slow to trust anyone. She channels her grief and trauma into caring for RiRi and Minerva, and losing both of them makes her even more anxious and unstable. She and Chi-Boy are romantically involved, though it doesn't become clear to everyone that this is the case until right after Minerva's death. When summer arrives, Frenchie realizes that Wab is pregnant.

Wab Quotes in The Marrow Thieves

The The Marrow Thieves quotes below are all either spoken by Wab or refer to Wab. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Cyclical Histories, Language, and Indigenous Oppression Theme Icon
A Plague of Madness Quotes

"Like how we are motivated to run because of the Recruiters?" Rose jumped in. "And the Recruiters are motivated to run after us because of the schools?"

"Almost," he answered. "We are actually both motivated by the same thing: survival."

"But isn't it just us that's trying to survive? No one's trying to kill those jerk-offs."

"But, nevertheless, they are dying. Mostly killing themselves, mind you. And so they are motivated by the need to be able to survive. And they see that solution in us."

Related Characters: Miig (speaker), Rose (speaker), Frenchie, Wab
Related Symbols: Residential Schools
Page Number: 54
Explanation and Analysis:
The Other Indians Quotes

I nodded back, copying the way he held his mouth. Yes, we would definitely do so. Us men. We'd be vigilant. Chi-Boy turned and started making his way through the trees. I watched him for a minute, and tried to listen. There was nothing—the absence of sound was the only thing the ear picked up. There was no doubt Chi-Boy was the best scout we had, probably the best scout anyone had. I followed close behind, imitating his movements.

Related Characters: Frenchie (speaker), Wab, Rose, Travis, Chi-Boy, Lincoln
Page Number: 124
Explanation and Analysis:
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Wab Quotes in The Marrow Thieves

The The Marrow Thieves quotes below are all either spoken by Wab or refer to Wab. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Cyclical Histories, Language, and Indigenous Oppression Theme Icon
A Plague of Madness Quotes

"Like how we are motivated to run because of the Recruiters?" Rose jumped in. "And the Recruiters are motivated to run after us because of the schools?"

"Almost," he answered. "We are actually both motivated by the same thing: survival."

"But isn't it just us that's trying to survive? No one's trying to kill those jerk-offs."

"But, nevertheless, they are dying. Mostly killing themselves, mind you. And so they are motivated by the need to be able to survive. And they see that solution in us."

Related Characters: Miig (speaker), Rose (speaker), Frenchie, Wab
Related Symbols: Residential Schools
Page Number: 54
Explanation and Analysis:
The Other Indians Quotes

I nodded back, copying the way he held his mouth. Yes, we would definitely do so. Us men. We'd be vigilant. Chi-Boy turned and started making his way through the trees. I watched him for a minute, and tried to listen. There was nothing—the absence of sound was the only thing the ear picked up. There was no doubt Chi-Boy was the best scout we had, probably the best scout anyone had. I followed close behind, imitating his movements.

Related Characters: Frenchie (speaker), Wab, Rose, Travis, Chi-Boy, Lincoln
Page Number: 124
Explanation and Analysis: