The Merchant of Venice


William Shakespeare

The Merchant of Venice: Act 3, scene 3 Quiz 4 questions

Read our modern English translation.
Test your knowledge of Act 3, scene 3. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
When Shylock delivers Antonio to the jailer, what justification does he give for acting like a "dog"?
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He says he must be ferocious because the world is intimidating and cruel
He says that behaving this way is the best way to gain respect and get revenge
He says he has been forced into this behavior by the Christians' unfair treatment
He says that his natural instincts are dog-like and that he can't control himself
Why does Shylock want revenge on Antonio?
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Because Antonio insulted him in public
Because Antonio has paid the debts of Shylock's borrowers
Because Antonio stole money from Shylock
Because Antonio is a rival moneylender
According to Antonio's understanding, why will the Duke most likely let the law take precedence over Antonio's welfare?
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To maintain a good relationship with neighboring countries
To ensure the safety of the Venetian citizens
To protect the rights of Venetian Christians
To avoid undermining Venice's entire legal system
What does Antonio say would ease his mind before facing his punishment?
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His mind would be eased if Portia and Bassanio named their firstborn after him
His mind would be eased if Nerissa and Gratiano named their firstborn after him
His mind would be eased if the Duke promised to outlaw usury in the future
His mind would be eased if Bassanio came to see him beforehand