The Merchant of Venice


William Shakespeare

The Merchant of Venice: Act 4, scene 2 Quiz 3 questions

Read our modern English translation.
Test your knowledge of Act 4, scene 2. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What aspect of the play does Portia's remark about Lorenzo inheriting Shylock's wealth highlight?
1 of 3
The importance of friendship
The dangers of greed
The interplay between money and love
The power of a good disguise
What does Gratiano bring to Portia?
2 of 3
The ring from Bassanio
A message from Antonio
The deed for Shylock's house
A letter explaining Bassanio's actions
What does Nerissa plan to do regarding her husband's ring?
3 of 3
Keep it safe for him
Trick him into giving it to her
Sell it for financial gain
Replace it with a fake ring