The Woman in White

The Woman in White


Wilkie Collins

Mr. Dawson Character Analysis

Mr. Dawson is the doctor who attends Marian during her illness at Blackwater. At first it seems that Mr. Dawson is a competent doctor, and that Count Fosco is trying to get rid of him because he wants to keep Marian ill so that he and Sir Percival Glyde may more easily carry out their plan against Laura—to switch her identity with Anne Catherick and lock her in an asylum in order to steal her fortune—without Marian’s interference. However, later in the novel, Count Fosco admits that Mr. Dawson was incompetent and gave Marian the wrong medicine, which allowed her fever to transform into deadly typhus, while Count Fosco was genuinely acting in Marian’s best interests to try and save her life because of his love for her.
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Mr. Dawson Character Timeline in The Woman in White

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Dawson appears in The Woman in White. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The Second Epoch: Part 3, Chapter 1
The doctor, Mr. Dawson , also refused Count Fosco’s help when he arrived to treat Marian. Mrs. Michelson observes... (full context)
...this period, Madame Fosco confided in Mrs. Michelson that she did not trust the doctor, Mr. Dawson . She wrote to the Count every day; proof, Mrs. Michelson believes, of the ideal... (full context)
...was horrified to discover that Marian’s fever had turned into typhus. He was furious with Mr. Dawson . He hired a new doctor to get a second opinion. This doctor agreed with... (full context)
The Second Epoch: Part 3, Chapter 2
...sleep in Count Fosco’s house. She learned from Mrs. Michelson that Count Fosco had dismissed Mr. Dawson and felt that this was part of the conspiracy, as, had Mr. Dawson been present,... (full context)
...Rubelle planned to leave that day. Mrs. Michelson went to Marian’s room and sent for Mr. Dawson , who was unwell himself and could not come. In the middle of the night,... (full context)
The Third Epoch: Part 1, Chapter 4
Walter plans to question Mr. Dawson , the doctor who attended Marian during her illness at Blackwater, to see if he... (full context)
The Third Epoch: Part 1, Chapter 5
Walter sets out for Hampshire and visits Mr. Dawson , but Mr. Dawson is unable to give him the date he visited Marian, the... (full context)
The Third Epoch: Part 1, Chapter 10
Luckily, Walter remembers that Mr. Dawson lives in the neighborhood and writes to him for assistance. Mr. Dawson kindly provides the... (full context)
The Third Epoch: Part 4, Chapter 1
...Anne to strengthen her and tried his best to save Marian’s life when the doctor, Mr. Dawson , prescribed the wrong drugs. He also admits that Madame Fosco drugged Fanny, Laura’s maid,... (full context)
When he returned to Blackwater, Count Fosco heard from Mr. Dawson that Marian was well enough to be left with a nurse. The Count then dismissed... (full context)