The Woman in White

The Woman in White


Wilkie Collins

Mrs. Vesey is Laura Fairlie’s elderly servant at Limmeridge and is removed from Laura’s service when she is married to Sir Percival Glyde and moves to his home at Blackwater Park. Mrs. Vesey is a sleepy and placid woman who does not seem to have any opinions of her own but is very affectionate towards Laura. She is heartbroken when she believes that Laura is dead.
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Mrs. Vesey Character Timeline in The Woman in White

The timeline below shows where the character Mrs. Vesey appears in The Woman in White. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The First Epoch: Part 1, Chapter 8
Walter goes down for lunch with Marian and meets Laura and Marian’s servant, Mrs. Vesey . After lunch, Marian takes Walter for a walk in the grounds and tells him... (full context)
Laura plays the piano for the group, while Mrs. Vesey dozes in the corner and Marian continues to search through Mrs. Fairlie’s letters for mentions... (full context)
The First Epoch: Part 3, Chapter 1
Laura seems more relaxed that evening and joins Sir Percival, Marian, and Mrs. Vesey for dinner. After they have eaten, she tells Sir Percival that she wishes to speak... (full context)
The Second Epoch: Part 1, Chapter 1
...their new lawyer will be as reliable and friendly as he was to deal with. Mrs. Vesey has also been removed from Laura’s service, as Laura will have new servants at Blackwater,... (full context)
The Second Epoch: Part 3, Chapter 2
...Marian to travel. Laura planned to escape Count Fosco in London and to stay with Mrs. Vesey instead. She begged Mrs. Michelson to deliver a letter to Mrs. Vesey for her at... (full context)
The Third Epoch: Part 1, Chapter 2
...journey to the asylum which Laura remembers clearly. She is adamant that she slept at Mrs. Vesey ’s house with Mrs. Rubelle and then woke up the next day in the asylum.... (full context)
The Third Epoch: Part 1, Chapter 3
...relevant sections of Marian’s diary, which document her time spent at Blackwater. Next, he visits Mrs. Vesey to find out if Laura stayed with her on her way to the asylum as... (full context)