Three Day Road


Joseph Boyden

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A soldier in the Canadian Army and part of Elijah and Xavier’s unit. Grey Eyes is addicted to morphine, and he first introduces Elijah to the drug on the ship to Europe to fight in the war. Elijah becomes extremely seasick on the ship, and Grey Eyes injects him with morphine. Grey Eyes works as a spotter for Sean Patrick, a fellow soldier and sniper, and Sean Patrick takes a bullet to the neck because Grey Eyes is high on morphine and not paying attention. Grey Eyes and Elijah spend much time together during the war and have a relationship of “convenience,” relying on each other to feed their addiction. Grey Eyes goes missing near the end of the war, but he later comes back and reports Elijah’s addiction and habit of scalping his kills to Lieutenant Breech to divert trouble from himself for deserting his unit. Elijah kills Grey Eyes by striking him on the head with a piece of wood right before Elijah also kills Lieutenant Breech.
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Grey Eyes Character Timeline in Three Day Road

The timeline below shows where the character Grey Eyes appears in Three Day Road. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Takoshininaaniwan: Arrival
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon an upturned wagon. Elijah quickly crawls back through the “flying metal” and returns with Grey Eyes and Sean Patrick, two men from their unit.  (full context)
Ntawi Nipahiwewak: Raiding Party
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
Language and Storytelling Theme Icon
...executed sentry is counted in that number, but he doesn’t ask. They are billeted with Grey Eyes , who “is a prisoner of the medicine they call morphine,” and Elijah is “fascinated”... (full context)
Kiskinohanaasowin: Learning
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
Xavier dreams of home and holds the medicine bundle that hangs from his neck. Grey Eyes tries “to talk Elijah into going to the medicine world with him,” but Xavier doesn’t... (full context)
Onahaashiwew: Sniper
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
Sean Patrick is at his sniping post with his spotter, Grey Eyes , who “has the glassy look of the medicine in his veins.”. Xavier looks up... (full context)
Isolation vs. Community Theme Icon
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
“I told [Sean Patrick] to take a break,” Grey Eyes says. “I told him that he’s too tall to be sniping here.” Xavier and Elijah... (full context)
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
...where he can float around at will.” Xavier wonders if Elijah is taking medicine from Grey Eyes , but Xavier is sure that he isn’t. At times, Xavier is “tempted to try... (full context)
Naatamaasowin: Revenge
Isolation vs. Community Theme Icon
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
...kind of bridge” between Xavier and the men. Elijah spends most of his time with Grey Eyes . “He likes to test himself,” Xavier thinks. “Elijah spends time with Grey Eyes because... (full context)
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
Later, Xavier wakes Elijah in the tent he shares with Grey Eyes . “Wake up. It is important,” Xavier says. He tells Elijah he has “made an... (full context)
Language and Storytelling Theme Icon
...the medicine, the morphine, on that ship to England?” he asks. Xavier says nothing. “ Grey Eyes is to blame,” Elijah says, beginning his story. Elijah doesn’t keep any stories from Xavier.... (full context)
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
...and Xavier left for the war, Elijah was terribly seasick on the boat to England. Grey Eyes found him on the deck in the cold night air. “You’re sick,” Grey Eyes said.... (full context)
Moosasiniwi Paskisikan: Rifle
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
The next day, Breech orders Elijah and Xavier to go on a raid with Thompson, Grey Eyes , and Gilberto. Thompson takes the men behind their lines where they practice the raid... (full context)
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
“Dear Henry,” Elijah says to Grey Eyes in a British accent, “would you be a kind chap and make me a cup... (full context)
Ishinakwahitisiw: Turning
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
...wrecked village, and on a warm day, Xavier and Elijah sit by the river with Grey Eyes , Graves, and Fat (the only men left of their original unit), and several other... (full context)
Tapakwewin: Snaring
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
The town is “blasted.” The soldiers keep advancing, including McCaan, Graves, Grey Eyes , and Thompson, who has just returned from the hospital. Breech orders Thompson to scout... (full context)
Nipahiwewin: Murder
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
...front line, Xavier and Elijah are told to report to Breech’s dugout. When they arrive, Grey Eyes is sitting with his head down. “This private brings some serious charges against you and... (full context)
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
“He acts out of jealousy and fear,” Elijah says to Breech of Grey Eyes . “And jealousy is what prompts you to threaten to court-martial me for doing my... (full context)
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
When Xavier wakes, Elijah is standing over Grey Eyes with a large piece of wood. “Mo-na!” Xavier yells as Elijah brings the wood down... (full context)