Three Day Road


Joseph Boyden

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Wemistikoshiw Term Analysis

A Cree term for the white European trappers, traders, and settlers encroaching on Indigenous lands. The wemistikoshiw “instill in the Cree a greed for furs that nearly wipes out the animals,” and when the land can no longer sustain them, the Cree are forced to go to the Moose Factory reserve. On the reserve, Indigenous culture and identity is stamped out through residential schools. Indigenous children are forced to speak English and are punished for speaking their Native languages. Their hair is cut, and they are given “Christian” names and identities and are forced to worship the wemistikoshiw God. In addition to this forced assimilation and whitewashing, the wemistikoshiw are openly racist and hostile toward Indigenous people, often referring to them as “heathens” and “uncivilized.” Most of the Indigenous characters in Three Day Road struggle to maintain their native identities in the face of the oppressive wemistikoshiw, and they likewise struggle to be seen as equal, worthy of visibility and respect.

Wemistikoshiw Quotes in Three Day Road

The Three Day Road quotes below are all either spoken by Wemistikoshiw or refer to Wemistikoshiw. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Isolation vs. Community Theme Icon
Prologue Quotes

Elijah swings again, and again the marten squeals. My stomach feels sick. I pick up a heavier piece of wood, step up, and give it a sharp blow to its head. The hide noose snaps and the marten drops to the ground. It doesn’t move. I club its head once.

Elijah stares at me.

“We had to do it,” I say.

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack
Page Number: 2
Explanation and Analysis:
Takoshininaaniwan: Arrival Quotes

I'd much rather be outside on the cool grass, me, but the officers won't allow it. We've been over here in this place that some call Flanders and others call Belgium for three weeks now. I felt stupid and small when Elijah had to explain that Belgium is a country, like Canada, and Flanders is just one small part of it, like Mushkegowuk. I'm still uncomfortable with the language of the wemistikoshiw. It is spoken through the nose and hurts my mouth to try and mimic the silly sound of it. I opt to stay quiet most of the time, listening carefully to decipher the words, always listening for the joke or insult made against me. These others think that I'm something less than them, but just give me the chance to show them what I'm made of when it is time to kill.

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker)
Page Number: 12-3
Explanation and Analysis:
Noohtaawiy: My Father Quotes

The world is a different place in this new century, Nephew. And we are a different people. My visions still come but no one listens any longer to what they tell us, what they warn us. I knew even as a young woman that destruction bred on the horizon. In my early visions, numbers of men, higher than any of us could count, were cut down. They lived in the mud like rats and lived only to think of new ways to kill one another. No one is safe in such times, not even the Cree of Mushkegowuk. War touches everyone, and windigos spring from the earth.

Related Characters: Niska (speaker), Xavier Bird
Page Number: 45
Explanation and Analysis:
Ntawi Nipahiwewak: Raiding Party Quotes

The next morning after stand-to, Thompson approaches Elijah and me. He talks to both of us, but his words are for Elijah. "What do you think of the last days, Whiskeyjack?" he asks, lighting a cigarette, exhaling and looking at the sky.

I can see that Elijah knows exactly what Thompson's asking. Thompson is asking if Elijah likes killing. Elijah considers it for a moment. "It's in my blood," he finally says.

Thompson smiles, then walks off. He didn't ask me the same question. Does he sense something? How am I different? A strange sensation, one I do not recognize, surges up my spine.

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack (speaker), Corporal Thompson (speaker)
Page Number: 69
Explanation and Analysis:
Kipwahakan: Captive Quotes

I know that Xavier wants to talk to me. He goes so far as to let words come out of his mouth when he sleeps. He says very little when he's awake. I'm not able to make out more than the odd sentence when he is sleeping, though, and sometimes when he dreams he speaks aloud in English. I can't help but smile a bit when he does. As a child he was so proud that more than once he claimed he would never speak the wemistikoshiw tongue. And now he does even in his sleep. He cannot speak to me yet, and so I decide, here on the river, that I will speak to him. In this way, maybe his tongue will loosen some. Maybe some of the poison that courses through him might be released in this way. Words are all I have left now. I've lived alone so long that I realize I'm starved to talk. And so, as I paddle him gently with the river, I talk to him, tell him about my life.

Related Characters: Niska (speaker), Xavier Bird
Page Number: 82
Explanation and Analysis:
Kimociwinikewin: Raid Quotes

The other soldiers often ask Elijah about his name too. And he is happy to talk. His Cree name is Weesageechak. But that is something he doesn't share with the wemistikoshiw. Whiskeyjack is how they say his name, make it their own. He has told me that what they do to his name is what sounds to my ears like a longer word for bastard, making his name a name without a family.

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack
Related Symbols: Birds and Airplanes
Page Number: 142-3
Explanation and Analysis:
Ishinakwahitisiw: Turning Quotes

I lie deep in the trench when the day is calm and think about how the world of the soldier consists of staring up at the sky, crawling upon the earth at night and living beneath it during the day. In the dark of night I think that my life has been divided into three for me by these wemistikoshiw. There was my life before them and their army, there is my life in their army, and, if I live, there will be my life after I have left it and returned home. They must have some magic in their number of three. I know that you, Niska, taught me that we will all someday walk the three-day road, and now I'm left wondering what connection there might be between their world and mine. I need to find out if we share something, some magic. Maybe it will help me get through all this.

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Niska
Page Number: 227
Explanation and Analysis:
Ka Nipihat Windigowa: Windigo Killer Quotes

I made Xavier smile with my story of smacking the nun with my paddle, and this gives me hope. Steering the canoe slow through the afternoon I watch him drift into sleep. It is a restless time for him, and his face looks like a scared child's when he cries out. To try and ease him a little, I start talking again. The story is not a happy one, but something in me has to tell it. There is truth in this story that Xavier needs to hear, and maybe it is best that he hears it in sleep so that the medicine in the tale can slip into him unnoticed.

Related Characters: Niska (speaker), Xavier Bird, Elijah Whiskeyjack
Page Number: 240
Explanation and Analysis:

"Why does she call you Nephew and not your real name?" he asked.

"Nephew is my real name," you answered. "I am her nephew."

“Does she ever call you by your Christian name?" he asked.

You shook your head, looked at me nervously. "My name is Nephew."

"Your name is Xavier," your friend answered.

It was not said meanly. I could tell from his voice that the boy was simply trying to understand.

"Your Christian name is Xavier," he said. "And mine is Elijah."

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack (speaker), Niska
Page Number: 248
Explanation and Analysis:
Oniimowi Pineshish: Little Bird Dancer Quotes

"Show us how the grouse danced," Old Francis said, and drunk from the attention, you stood, and made everyone else stand around the fire too. You imitated the big grouse, and everyone lifted their arms and moved around the circle. Do you remember? You called out and we moved around the circle, and then you raised your arms and called out again and we all touched our fingertips above our heads and moved the other way, you rustling your arms like feathered wings and everyone laughing. And that is when I said, "From now on we call you Little Bird Dancer," and everyone laughed and agreed it was a good name for you.

Related Characters: Niska (speaker), Xavier Bird
Related Symbols: Birds and Airplanes
Page Number: 333-4
Explanation and Analysis:
Nipiwin: Dying Quotes

I do not know how to make them understand who I am. To them I am Elijah Whiskeyjack, sniper and scout. Hero. When I want medicine, I tell the pretty-mouthed nurse that the pain is too bad, that I need a little of it. She leaves for a short time, comes back carrying a needle. I spend hours staring out the window; rubbing at the stub of leg through the pinned-up material of the pajamas, feeling the warm river rushing below me. It is easier not to tell them anything, easier not to explain at all. I allow myself to believe that I am Elijah. In this way he is still alive.

Related Characters: Xavier Bird (speaker), Elijah Whiskeyjack
Page Number: 345
Explanation and Analysis:
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Wemistikoshiw Term Timeline in Three Day Road

The timeline below shows where the term Wemistikoshiw appears in Three Day Road. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Ekiiwaniwahk: Returning
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
...been there for days, waiting and watching. The town is big, and there are more wemistikoshiw than Niska has ever seen before. She leaves the woods cautiously and walks among the... (full context)
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
...all wear hats despite the high summer sun. Niska does “not understand much of the wemistikoshiw.” The train comes into sight, the whistle “like a giant eagle screaming,” and stops at... (full context)
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
...and can see a man moving slowly inside. The man wears a hat like the wemistikoshiw, and one leg of his pants is “pinned up,” hanging “empty” at the knee. He... (full context)
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
...eyes meet Niska’s, he falls to the platform. Niska rushes to his side as the wemistikoshiw stare. “I was told you were dead, Auntie,” he says to Niska. “And I was... (full context)
Noohtaawiy: My Father
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
...he had “murdered” them. Niska’s father laughed and ignored the request, but by autumn the wemistikoshiw came for him. They took Niska’s father off in handcuffs to their jail and he... (full context)
Pasitew: Fire
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
...the river washed away the tracks. He speaks in English instead of Cree because the wemistikoshiw “tongue is better for lies.”  (full context)
Kipwahakan: Captive
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
...says, “our people were directionless.” Many went to Moose Factory and “learned to stomach the wemistikoshiw food and ways,” but a small group decided “to go into the bush instead.” There,... (full context)
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon with the other children on the reserve, but Niska refused. Soon, word hit the wemistikoshiw that an Indian girl was running around Moose Factory “as uncivilized as an animal.” A... (full context)
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon like the one from her vision where her father had been imprisoned by the wemistikoshiw. The nuns said she would not come out until her hair grew back, and Niska... (full context)
Shakocihew: Seducing
Isolation vs. Community Theme Icon
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
...“awawatuk,” and they “had the unfair reputation of being thieves and murderers” because they rejected wemistikoshiw ways. (full context)
Moosasiniwi Paskisikan: Rifle
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon charcoal as they always do before “going over the top.” Xavier calls it the “wemistikoshiw smudging ceremony,” but Elijah just laughs. “No Indian religion for him,” Xavier thinks. “The only... (full context)
Mamishihiwewin: Betrayal
Isolation vs. Community Theme Icon
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
Language and Storytelling Theme Icon
“Listen carefully, Nephew,” Niska says to Xavier. The wemistikoshiw trapper, a Frenchman, came to visit often in the bush. Even after Niska moved to... (full context)
Isolation vs. Community Theme Icon
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
Niska walked through the wemistikoshiw part of town, but no one stared at her dressed in the old woman’s clothes.... (full context)
Kimotowin: Stealing
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
...was free.” Afterward, Niska lived alone and heard rumors that Rabbit “was a drinker of wemistikoshiw rum and had abandoned her only son to be raised by the nuns in that... (full context)
Ishinakwahitisiw: Turning
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon
...and thinks of ways to sneak off. It occurs to Xavier as he watches the wemistikoshiw soldiers that they do everything in groups of three. “They are obsessed by that number,”... (full context)
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
...too has “begun to see the world in threes.” There is his life before the wemistikoshiw army, his life in the war, and, if he survives, his life after the war.... (full context)
Ka Nipihat Windigowa: Windigo Killer
Isolation vs. Community Theme Icon
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
...other children to play and hunt with. She warned him to stay away from the wemistikoshiw; if they found him, they would take him away. Xavier soon came home with Elijah.... (full context)
Masinahikewin: Writing
Nature, War, and Survival Theme Icon over the boys, but it did not answer. Word came of the war. The “wemistikoshiw had gone mad” it seemed and had new inventions used to kill that “were beyond... (full context)
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
Language and Storytelling Theme Icon
...Elijah are, if they are still together that is. “I wish to do what the wemistikoshiw do,” Niska said. “I wish to write him a letter.” “I can write it for... (full context)
Ntashiihkewin: Home
Racism and Assimilation Theme Icon
...carries them into the matatosowin. She helps Xavier to the river and takes off his wemistikoshiw clothes. Niska washes him in the cool water and leads him to the matatosowin. She... (full context)