


James Joyce

“Là ci darem” Term Analysis

“Là ci darem la mano” (or “Là ci darem” for short) is a duet from a seduction scene in Mozart’s celebrated opera Don Giovanni. The duet, whose name means “there we will give each other our hands,” is one of the two songs that Molly Bloom is practicing to sing on her upcoming concert tour. While Joyce’s allusion to “Là ci darem” clearly hints at the nature of Molly’s relationship with her concert manager Blazes Boylan, the other song, “Love’s Old Sweet Song,” is a celebration of true love and hints at Molly’s desire to reconcile with her husband Leopold Bloom.
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“Là ci darem” Term Timeline in Ulysses

The timeline below shows where the term “Là ci darem” appears in Ulysses. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Episode 4: Calypso
...her letter, which is from Boylan, the man who organizes her concerts. She’ll be singing  “Là ci darem ” (a duet from Don Giovanni) and “Love’s Old Sweet Song.” She points Leopold to... (full context)
Episode 5: Lotus Eaters
...own father’s. Bloom passes some carriage-horses, whose heads are hiding in their feedbags. He hums “Là ci darem ” and makes his way to a quiet part of Cumberland Street, where he pulls... (full context)
Episode 6: Hades
...calls Molly “madame,” and he starts wondering what she is doing now. (She’s probably humming “Là ci darem ” and getting dressed.) (full context)
Episode 8: Lestrygonians
...street, he watches a dog choke and then eat its half-digested food, and he hums “Là ci darem .” Calculating his income, he thinks about buying Molly a silk petticoat—or, better yet, taking... (full context)
Episode 15: Circe
...the sun, and the pharmacist shows up to collect a payment. Disdainful, Molly starts humming “Là ci darem ”  and walks away. (full context)