


James Joyce

Nelson’s Pillar Term Analysis

Nelson’s Pillar was a large, politically controversial granite monument to the British admiral Horatio Nelson that stood in central Dublin from 1809 until 1966.
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Nelson’s Pillar Term Timeline in Ulysses

The timeline below shows where the term Nelson’s Pillar appears in Ulysses. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Episode 7: Aeolus
...elderly virgins who save up their money so that they can see Dublin from atop Nelson’s pillar . They bring 24 plums as a snack, but they’re unprepared for the long walk... (full context)
On their way to the pub, the men pass the busy tram lines next to Nelson’s pillar , but the cars aren’t running because of a short circuit. Crawford admits that he... (full context)