

Yevgeny Zamyatin

O-90 Character Analysis

O-90 is a female cipher assigned to D-503 as a sexual partner. Despite the One State’s prohibition of romantic attachments, O-90 is D-503’s regular companion, and she feels real affection toward him, becoming jealous once it’s clear that D-503 has developed feelings for I-330. O-90 is I-330’s foil, as she is neither outwardly threatening nor rebellious. Whereas D-503 describes I-330 using sharp, angular imagery, he emphasizes O-90’s round, soft, and childlike characteristics, and her clear blue eyes. Still, despite her soft, unintimidating personality, O-90 is not entirely devoid of rebelliousness: from the start of We, she is consumed by a repressed desire to have and raise her own child, something the State has explicitly prohibited her from doing. Ultimately, her desire to procreate is too strong to repress, and she propositions D-503 to impregnate her. He does so, and, with the help of I-330, she and her unborn child escape to the free world beyond the Green Wall.

O-90 Quotes in We

The We quotes below are all either spoken by O-90 or refer to O-90. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
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And I don’t know—perhaps it was somewhere in her eyes or eyebrows—there was a kind of strange and irritating X to her, and I couldn’t pin it down, couldn’t give it a numerical expression

Related Characters: D-503 (speaker), I-330, O-90
Related Symbols: The Variable X
Page Number: 8
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“Oh come on—knowledge! This knowledge of yours is utter cowardice. Yes, that’s it—really. You just want to build a little wall around infinity—and you’re afraid to look behind it! Peek over it and you’ll have to squeeze your eyes shut—ha!”

Related Characters: R-13 (speaker), D-503, I-330, O-90
Page Number: 37
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Record 32 Quotes

A ridiculous feeling but I was sure of it: yes, I must help. Ridiculous, because it was a duty and yet another crime. Ridiculous, because a white duty cannot, at the same time, be a black duty and a crime—they can’t coincide. Life is either blackless or whiteless and its color only depends on a basic, logical premise. And if the premise is that I gave her a child illegally…

Related Characters: D-503 (speaker), O-90
Page Number: 167
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O-90 Quotes in We

The We quotes below are all either spoken by O-90 or refer to O-90. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Record 2 Quotes

And I don’t know—perhaps it was somewhere in her eyes or eyebrows—there was a kind of strange and irritating X to her, and I couldn’t pin it down, couldn’t give it a numerical expression

Related Characters: D-503 (speaker), I-330, O-90
Related Symbols: The Variable X
Page Number: 8
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Record 8 Quotes

“Oh come on—knowledge! This knowledge of yours is utter cowardice. Yes, that’s it—really. You just want to build a little wall around infinity—and you’re afraid to look behind it! Peek over it and you’ll have to squeeze your eyes shut—ha!”

Related Characters: R-13 (speaker), D-503, I-330, O-90
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:
Record 32 Quotes

A ridiculous feeling but I was sure of it: yes, I must help. Ridiculous, because it was a duty and yet another crime. Ridiculous, because a white duty cannot, at the same time, be a black duty and a crime—they can’t coincide. Life is either blackless or whiteless and its color only depends on a basic, logical premise. And if the premise is that I gave her a child illegally…

Related Characters: D-503 (speaker), O-90
Page Number: 167
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