If thy soul check thee that I come so near, Swear to thy blind soul that I was thy Will, And will, thy soul knows, is admitted there; Thus far for love my love-suit sweet fulfill. 5 Will will fulfill the treasure of thy love, Ay, fill it full with wills, and my will one. In things of great receipt with ease we prove Among a number one is reckoned none. Then in the number let me pass untold, 10 Though in thy store’s account I one must be. For nothing hold me, so it please thee hold That nothing me, a something sweet to thee. Make but my name thy love, and love that still; And then thou lov’st me, for my name is Will.
If your soul stops me from coming so close to you,
Tell your blind soul that I was your Will,
And will, as your soul knows, is allowed to enter there;
Do that much for love and sweetly fulfill my love-suit.
"Will" will fill up the treasure chest of your love,
Yes, fill it full with wills, and with my one will.
In something that can fit many things inside (like your vagina),
A single thing in it is not worth counting on its own.
So, among those many men who fill you up, let me be uncounted,
Although I must be considered a part of your complete tally of men.
Consider me to be nothing, provided that
My being nothing is sweet to you.
Just love only my name, and love it always;
And then you will love me, since my name is Will.
Suzy Kim is a graduate student studying Victorian literature at Brown University. She studied English and Psychology at University of Pennsylvania, and some of her creative work can be found in the upcoming volume of The Graphic Canon: Tales of Crime and Mystery Vol. 1. She is from Seoul, and currently lives in Providence, Rhode Island.