But be contented when that fell arrest Without all bail shall carry me away; My life hath in this line some interest, Which for memorial still with thee shall stay. 5 When thou reviewest this, thou dost review The very part was consecrate to thee. The earth can have but earth, which is his due; My spirit is thine, the better part of me. So then thou hast but lost the dregs of life, 10 The prey of worms, my body being dead, The coward conquest of a wretch’s knife, Too base of thee to be rememb’red. The worth of that is that which it contains, And that is this, and this with thee remains.
But be content when that savage arrest
Carries me away without bail;
My life has some interest in this line
Which will stay with you as a reminder.
When you re-read this, you review
The very line that which was dedicated to you.
The earth can have only earth, which is what he deserves;
My spirit is yours, the better part of me.
So then you will have lost only the worst parts of life,
The food of worms, after my body is dead,
The cowardly reward of a wretched person's knife,
Too low for you to remember.
The value of that is what it contains,
And that is this poem, which remains with you.
Suzy Kim is a graduate student studying Victorian literature at Brown University. She studied English and Psychology at University of Pennsylvania, and some of her creative work can be found in the upcoming volume of The Graphic Canon: Tales of Crime and Mystery Vol. 1. She is from Seoul, and currently lives in Providence, Rhode Island.