Angels in America

Angels in America


Tony Kushner

Angels in America: Perestroika: Act 1, Scene 4 Summary & Analysis

Hannah Pitt enters Joe Pitt’s apartment, accompanied by Joe’s landlord. She’s just come from the Mormon Visitors’ Center, and seems not to know where Joe is. The phone rings, and Hannah answers it.
Kushner again emphasizes the distance—both emotional and physical—between Hannah and her son.
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Hannah learns from a police officer that Harper has been arrested in Prospect Park for stealing a large tree. Hannah snaps at the officer—who seems to be laughing loudly over the phone—and assures him that this is no laughing matter. She orders the officer to tell Harper that she’s coming to take care of her.
Hannah is strict and not particularly friendly, but she also has a strong sense of duty and loyalty to her family. Joe might be leaving Harper, but Hannah clearly still considers Harper to be family, and so worthy of Hannah’s concern and action.
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