Around the World in Eighty Days


Jules Verne

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Around the World in Eighty Days: Chapter 7 Summary & Analysis

Detective Fix tries to persuade the British consul not to visa Fogg’s passport, since Fix needs time to obtain a warrant from London in order to arrest Fogg in Bombay. The consul, however, is legally obligated to stamp Fogg’s passport when he comes into the consulate and presents it.
Fix’s questionable underlying motives are made clear again, as he tries to persuade the consul to make an exception to the law just so that he can apprehend Fogg and claim the reward money.
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Fogg returns to his cabin on the Mongolia and reviews his notebook, in which he has kept a meticulous record of their travel itinerary thus far. As of October 9th, he and Passepartout are right on schedule, having neither gained nor lost time.
Fogg’s detailed timekeeping suggests that, although he was eager to take on this risky wager, maintaining a sense of control is still important to him still.
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