Bartleby, the Scrivener


Herman Melville

The Other Lawyer Character Analysis

This lawyer arrives in the narrative after The Lawyer has changed offices in order to escape Bartleby. This second lawyer informs The Lawyer (who narrates the story) that Bartleby hasn’t vacated the premises of his old office, and threatens to call the police to take Bartleby away if The Lawyer doesn’t intercede.
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The Other Lawyer Character Timeline in Bartleby, the Scrivener

The timeline below shows where the character The Other Lawyer appears in Bartleby, the Scrivener. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Bartleby, the Scrivener
The Disconnected Workplace Theme Icon
Isolation and the Unreliability of Language Theme Icon
Charity and Its Limits Theme Icon
...shows up at the new office. All is going smoothly, until a different lawyer ( The Other Lawyer ) arrives to ask whether The Lawyer has recently vacated an office on Wall Street.... (full context)
Passive Resistance Theme Icon
Charity and Its Limits Theme Icon
...Lawyer thinks he has finally been ridded of Bartleby. However, a week or so later, The Other Lawyer returns to the office to tell The Lawyer that he must take Bartleby away from... (full context)