Death and the King’s Horseman


Wole Soyinka

Another colonial official; Pilkings refers to him as Bob at several points. He attends closely to the prince and seems to have a solid relationship with Pilkings, as he offers Pilkings extra soldiers when Pilkings goes to arrest Elesin. The aide-de-camp cares deeply for others, but only when those others are English. He's extremely rude to Olunde and suggests that the natives become too full of themselves as soon as they start to embrace Western culture.
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The Aide-de-Camp Character Timeline in Death and the King’s Horseman

The timeline below shows where the character The Aide-de-Camp appears in Death and the King’s Horseman. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act 4
Colonialism Theme Icon
...again, the resident says that Amusa sounds desperate. He asks Jane to go find his aide-de-camp and Amusa. (full context)
Colonialism Theme Icon
...this is very funny, asks for a report in the morning, and wanders off. The aide-de-camp asks Pilkings if he needs help and shares that they have extra soldiers that came... (full context)
Women and Power Theme Icon
Duty and Collective Responsibility Theme Icon
Colonialism Theme Icon
Once the aide-de-camp is gone, Pilkings turns to Amusa. Amusa starts to speak, but then stops and looks... (full context)
Life and Death Theme Icon
Colonialism Theme Icon Jane screams that Olunde is callous, unfeeling, and just like the other "savages." The aide-de-camp rushes out when he hears Jane crying and tries to comfort her. Olunde tries to... (full context)
Duty and Collective Responsibility Theme Icon
Colonialism Theme Icon
...Olunde's line of sight, jumps when he notices Olunde, and sends Jane to fetch the aide-de-camp. She runs away, and Olunde tells Pilkings that while he appreciates what he tried to... (full context)
Colonialism Theme Icon
Quietly and privately, Pilkings asks the aide-de-camp if the cellar where they used to store slaves is still useable and if it... (full context)
Act 5
Women and Power Theme Icon
Duty and Collective Responsibility Theme Icon
...king will wander among enemies. Iyaloja asks Pilkings to let Elesin release their king. The aide-de-camp races in with news that there's a group of women chanting on the hill. Jane... (full context)
Women and Power Theme Icon
The aide-de-camp points out that the group is just women, so Pilkings agrees that they can enter.... (full context)