Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence


Doris Pilkington

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence makes teaching easy.
A kind, gregarious fifteen-year-old girl who befriends Molly, Gracie, and Daisy when they arrive at the Moore River Native Settlement. She shows them the ropes and attempts to ease their fears, and takes them on a long walk which, unbeknownst to Martha, allows Molly to scope out a potential escape route.

Martha Jones Quotes in Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence

The Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence quotes below are all either spoken by Martha Jones or refer to Martha Jones. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism and Colonialism Theme Icon
Chapter 7 Quotes

“You should have seen the other ones who were locked up for running away,” [Martha] said. “They all got seven days punishment with just bread and water. Mr. Johnson shaved their heads bald and made them parade around the compound so that everyone could see them. They got the strap too.”

Related Characters: Martha Jones (speaker), Molly, Gracie, Daisy
Page Number: 71
Explanation and Analysis:
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Martha Jones Quotes in Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence

The Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence quotes below are all either spoken by Martha Jones or refer to Martha Jones. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism and Colonialism Theme Icon
Chapter 7 Quotes

“You should have seen the other ones who were locked up for running away,” [Martha] said. “They all got seven days punishment with just bread and water. Mr. Johnson shaved their heads bald and made them parade around the compound so that everyone could see them. They got the strap too.”

Related Characters: Martha Jones (speaker), Molly, Gracie, Daisy
Page Number: 71
Explanation and Analysis: